gatsby-source-prismic-graphql icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gatsby-source-prismic-graphql copied to clipboard

Cannot query field "imageSharp"

Open bkroeker opened this issue 5 years ago • 13 comments

I feel like I must be missing something basic, but I can't tell what. No matter how I configure things, I'm just not able to query the *Sharp version of images.

I'm running 3.4.0-beta.2 of this plugin, which is the latest I can see.

I'm configuring the plugin with

        sharpKeys: [

My query looks (essentially ... it's cropped for brevity) like:

query PageQuery($uid: String!, $lang: String!) {
    prismic {
      page(uid: $uid, lang: $lang) {
        body {
          ... on PRISMIC_PageBodyCustomSlice {
            primary {
              imageSharp {
                childImageSharp {
                  fluid(maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: 250) {

When it runs, I get the error: Cannot query field "imageSharp" on type "PRISMIC_PageBodyCustomSlice". Did you mean "image"?

I've tried all kinds of variations, and read the documentation multiple times, but I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. Any advice?

bkroeker avatar Feb 28 '20 15:02 bkroeker

I am not sure if it can help you but I solved a similar issue by re-ordering my plugins and calling gatsby-transformer-sharp and gatsby-plugin-sharp last.

florianpeninon avatar Mar 08 '20 17:03 florianpeninon

@florianpeninon Thanks for the suggestion. I tried this, but it didn't make a difference.

bkroeker avatar Mar 11 '20 17:03 bkroeker

@bkroeker did you try gatsby clean before gatsby develop? Btw I had an error in GraphiQL but I just decided to add that graphQL query to my code and it works. So it can show an error in GraphiQL but it can still work in the code

MichalMoravik avatar Mar 14 '20 00:03 MichalMoravik

Yeah, I always clean before develop, actually. And yes, I tried it in my StaticQuery too, not just in the visual query explorer.

I'll see if I can start a fresh gatsby project with just this plugin, and check if it works.

bkroeker avatar Mar 16 '20 13:03 bkroeker

I tried a fresh gatsby project and it worked. So now I'll need to trace through all the differences to see if I can identify what's breaking it.

bkroeker avatar Mar 17 '20 16:03 bkroeker

@bkroeker were you able to solve this? I am having a similar problem on GraphiQL when trying the following: query MyQuery { prismic { allHome_pages { edges { node { body { ... on PRISMIC_Home_pageBodyLists_grid { fields { list_image list_imageSharp { childImageSharp { fluid(maxWidth: 10) { ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid } } } } } } } } } } }

This is the error: { "message": "Failed to fetch", "stack": "TypeError: Failed to fetch" }

leonstern10 avatar Apr 07 '20 14:04 leonstern10

@leonstern10 Unfortunately, the funding on my project was cut due to Coronavirus, so I haven't yet had a chance to delve into figuring out which plugin/code is breaking this plugin's image sharp implementation.

For now I'm just calling it karma/retribution for this plugin breaking all uses of the useStaticQuery hook. :D

bkroeker avatar Apr 07 '20 14:04 bkroeker

@bkroeker Sorry to hear that! Haha if I find a solution I will let you know :)

leonstern10 avatar Apr 08 '20 09:04 leonstern10

gettring similar error when building for production. building for development first time fails, second time it works. seems like the images are not downloaded before the query was run? Is there a way to order the plugins in gatsby-config.js

childImageSharp {
   fixed(width: 320, height: 320, cropFocus: ENTROPY) {
   fluid(maxWidth: 800, quality: 90) {

"gatsby-source-prismic-graphql": "3.5.0",

szokrika avatar Apr 12 '20 18:04 szokrika

@szokrika I have probably the same error as you. First time I run gatsby develop or gatsby build it cannot develop or build because in .cache/caches , the files are not built. The entire gatsby-source-prismic-graphql folder is missing, it does not create it.

When I run gatsby develop for the second time it creates that cache folder and it works. But this is a huge problem while you are building.

MichalMoravik avatar Apr 14 '20 17:04 MichalMoravik

@MichalMoravik I think I fixed it by downgrading to "gatsby-source-prismic-graphql": "3.3.1",

this then threw a gatsby-browser.js error, but generated the images

then upgraded to

"gatsby-source-prismic-graphql": "3.4.1-alpha.0",

this cleared the previous gatsby-browser.js error

szokrika avatar Apr 14 '20 17:04 szokrika

Perfect! I switched to 3.4.1-apha.0 as well and everything works. Thanks @szokrika , köszönöm sepen ;). You saved me some valuable hours.

MichalMoravik avatar Apr 14 '20 19:04 MichalMoravik

@birkir @bkroeker I think this can be closed as as this seems to fixed?

ohlr avatar May 01 '20 21:05 ohlr