LibreTasks copied to clipboard
An updated form of Omnidroid
``` Provide a UI for a list of failed actions that have been queued due to current resource limitations (no internet, no service, etc.). This queue should provide a list...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Setup an event that sends gmail as the action 2. Have an internet connection that is limited/firewalled and doesn't allow traffic out...
``` GPS Location Changed filter of Current Location (both Current location near as well as away) should accept a Parameter of Current Location to be used for the "Address" field....
``` Replace the GPS Location Changed event with a more generalized Location Changed event that uses the best provider (wifi, geoip, GPS, whatever) to get the best possible location approximation...
``` suggest modified rule description if rule was edited. do you think it makes sense? shouldn't be hard to do. ``` Original issue reported on by `sv767%[email protected]` on 27...
``` It would be good if we had multiple events in one rule. Ideally it would be good if we had event1 -> action1 event2 -> action2 as well as...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.create a new rule it 3.have to scroll down to see it What is the expected output? What do you see instead?...
``` Auto manage background picture. Some app should exsit with similar function, but it is still worth to integrated into omnidroid. ``` Original issue reported on by `[email protected]` on...
``` Add sound recording action seems interested, user can do thinks like auto record phone calls or secretly record something which I do not know whether it is legal. ```...
``` Think about this, if the phone rings when u r at a meeting or during class, simply turn the phone over will silence it. We can also add phone...