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[Feature Request] Location without GPS
Hi I Use Llama until now. It's a Grate tool which is able todo actions based on the Cell Id from the mobile-phone providers.
Its able to set-up an Area based on GPS and reachable Cell ID. So it works also if no GPS is active.
You create an Area and record its Cell-id and GPS. An now you are able to link Areas to events.
I will leave this on the table as a potential future feature, but implementing something like this well is actually a fair bit of work- as you mentioned with Llama, there are entire apps dedicated to just that. If this goes in, it will be in a much later release.
I also use Llama, but the development stopped at Nov 2014: For a long time, I'm looking for a free alternative, that also support cell-id triggering. It would really be great, if someone can implement this feature into libretasks.
@Mannshoch and @dpuschek Do you know the opensource task manager app "Sfen" 1.0? This old app seems to be discontinued for 2014 but this app can run actions depending on "cell ids" and still runs on Marshmallow (CM13).
this well is actually a fair bit of work
Maybe it could be less work if you could use the "cell-id-function" of Sfen as a template for LibreTasks?
Bug workaround for Sfen: In order to save a new or changed event the event must be switched off when pressing the save button. Then open the event again, do not change anything, activate it and press the save button again.
I use as an offline location provider. maybe you could use this technology and database for seting up trigger areas.
@Mannshoch Thanks for the hint. I tested (no GAPPS) with the and it worked with navit Ok working means I can see the location of my cell antenna/tower ;-)
But for LibreTasks it would be an interesting feature. Often you do not need a very exact location information. For example for using WIFI only at home an so on. And here is an advantage of the Local-GSM-Backend compared to GSM : It is working indoors, too!
Can anyone tell me howto use the current GPS based location feature of LibreTasks? Can anyone tell me the format of the addresses you must enter?
See #188 for wifi, I have it working in my private branch, just waiting for #218 to be merged