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🍊 :chart_with_upwards_trend: Orange add-on for analyzing, visualizing, manipulating, and forecasting time series data.


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Orange add-on for analyzing, visualizing, manipulating, and forecasting time series data.

License: CC-BY-NC-3.0

In order to use this package commercially, please obtain a Highcharts license.

Package documentation:


Via Add-on Dialogue

Go to Options - Add-ons in Orange, select Timeseries from the list of add-on and install. Restart Orange for the add-on to appear.

With Anaconda

The easiest way to install Orange3-Timeseries on a non-GNU/Linux system is with Anaconda distribution for your OS (Python version 3.5). In your Anaconda Prompt, first add conda-forge to your channels:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Then install Orange3:

conda install orange3

This will install the latest release of Orange. Then install Orange3-Timeseries:

conda install Orange3-Timeseries



to open Orange and check if everything is installed properly.

From source

To install the add-on from source

# Clone the repository and move into it
git clone
cd orange3-timeseries

# Install corresponding wheels for your OS:
pip install some-wheel.whl

# Install Orange3-Timeseries in editable/development mode.
pip install -e .

To register this add-on with Orange, run

python install