varsim copied to clipboard
VarSim 0.8.2 fails to add INV, DEL
I have a problem where VarSim 0.8.2 (public release) adds only insertions and duplications. I tried to find a problem in command line, or used dgv file, but couldn't. Is this a known issue, or am I missing something in the command line?
I am attaching varsim.log file, and resulting sv.vcf.stats file.
Command line:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx90000m" && python /opt/VarSim-0.8.2/ --reference /sbgenomics/Projects/9f720c02-7ff8-4696-9e44-33f79ec33f97/human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta --seed 20160320 --id VarSim_3200_RND --read_length 150 --nlanes 8 --total_coverage 30 --mean_fragment_size 360 --sd_fragment_size 50 --vc_num_snp 1000000 --vc_num_ins 0 --vc_num_del 0 --vc_num_mnp 2000 --vc_num_complex 10000 --vc_percent_novel 0.02 --vc_min_length_lim 1 --vc_max_length_lim 49 --vc_in_vcf /sbgenomics/Projects/9f720c02-7ff8-4696-9e44-33f79ec33f97/All_20161121.vcf --vc_prop_het 50 --sv_num_ins 800 --sv_num_del 800 --sv_num_dup 800 --sv_num_inv 800 --sv_percent_novel 0.05 --sv_min_length_lim 50 --sv_max_length_lim 200000 --sv_insert_seq /sbgenomics/Projects/9f720c02-7ff8-4696-9e44-33f79ec33f97/insert_seq.txt --sv_dgv /sbgenomics/Projects/9f720c02-7ff8-4696-9e44-33f79ec33f97/GRCh37_hg19_supportingvariants_2013-07-23.txt --simulator_executable /opt/VarSim-0.8.2/ART/art_bin_MountRainier/art_illumina
Hi @Chandralinjo this is a known issue in varsim. We will work on it. Thanks!
Are there older versions of this not affected by this bug? Or is it just 0.8.2 and 0.8.3?
Hi, this issue affects both current and previous versions. Thanks.