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`correlate_covariates`: redundant conversion to numeric and incorrect warning
In correlate_covariates.R
on line 52 the code converts the columns to numeric twice with a warning in between. Line 56 is not required. We can throw a warning and then convert the columns to numeric.
Another issue is that if I run this function on with a covariate data.frame
which is numeric, I still get this warning.
Below, I generate some numbers and assign them to a column
nums <- runif(179, 0, 1000)
covariates <- data.frame(nums = nums)
row.names(covariates) <- colData(mae[[2]])[, "sample"]
correlate_factors_with_covariates(object = model,
covariates = covariates
Warning: There are non-numeric values in the covariates data.frame, converting to numeric...
I confirm that covars
data.frame doesn't only contains numeric values:
> integer(0)
If I run the code from the function, I don't get this warning
nums <- runif(179, 0, 1000)
covariates <- data.frame(nums = nums)
row.names(covariates) <- colData(mae[[2]])[, "sample"]
cols <- which(!sapply(covariates, class)%in%c("numeric","integer"))
if (length(cols>=1)) {
cols.factor <- which(sapply(covariates,class)=="factor")
covariates[cols] <- lapply(covariates[cols], as.numeric)
warning("There are non-numeric values in the covariates data.frame, converting to numeric...")
covariates[cols] <- lapply(covariates[cols], as.numeric)
is my MultiAssayExperiment object.
While trying to create a more reproducible example with example data. I followed the checks from line 32.
# Create example data
data <- make_example_data(
n_views = 2,
n_samples = 200,
n_features = 100,
n_factors = 10
# Add metadata
N <- ncol(data[[1]])
groups <- c(rep("A", N / 2), rep("B", N / 2))
# Create MOFA object
MOFAobject <- create_mofa(data, groups = groups)
# Prepare MOFA object
MOFAobject <- prepare_mofa(
object = MOFAobject
# Train MOFA
outfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "model.hdf5")
MOFAobject.trained <- run_mofa(MOFAobject, outfile, use_basilisk = TRUE)
# For better readability
model <- MOFAobject.trained
# Assign some metadata to covariates table
nums <- runif(200, 0, 1000)
covariates <- data.frame(nums = nums)
metadata <- samples_metadata(model)
samples <- metadata$sample
rownames(covariates) <- samples_metadata(model)$sample
# Run function
object = model,
covariates = covars
Error in correlate_factors_with_covariates(object = model, covariates = covars) :
all(rownames(covariates) %in% samples) is not TRUE
But they are if I follow the checks:
all(rownames(covariates) %in% samples)
[1] TRUE
Not sure about this, but I can open an issue.