eleventy-plugin-backlinks copied to clipboard
config.addcollection(notes) already exist
Hi, following my question in your theme project eleventy-garden, I tried your plugin and got an error :
[11ty] 1. Error processing the `BacklinksPlugin` plugin (via EleventyPluginError)
[11ty] 2. config.addCollection(notes) already exists. Try a different name for your collection. (via UserConfigError)
My steps
- I added your plugin in my
const eleventyBacklinks = require('eleventy-plugin-backlinks');
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// plugin to add backlinks
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(eleventyBacklinks, {
folder: '/notes', // The folder with your notes
getData: 'description'
- I installed the plugin with npm install eleventy-plugin-backlinks
- I commented
to avoid conflicts - In the include
, I tried to get the description passed through with getData ?
<p class="larger" lang="en">
{%- if backlinks.length > 0 -%}
<ul class="backlink">
{%- for link in backlinks -%}
<li class="backlink-note">
<a href="{{- link.url -}}">
<span class="larger">{{- link.title -}}</span>
{{- link.preview | markdownify -}}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
Aucun <span lang="en">backlink</span> trouvé !
{%- endif -%}
And I got the collection error. Does your code is adding a collection note by itself then ? How do we do to resolve this collection conflict ?
My .eleventy.js
is indeed adding a collection, I don’t know if it’s your theme or the code I picked elswhere, but I’m pretty sure it’s needed elswhere in the code :
eleventyConfig.addCollection("notes", function (collection) {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob(["notes/*.md", "notes/Journal/*.md", "notes/Fakes/*.md"])
.sort((a, b) => b.data.date - a.data.date);
If I comment the collection code, I get another error linked to your plugin :
[11ty] options.getData is not a function (via TypeError)
Do I have to declare a getData function by myself to get the note.description I just want to get ?
Again, sorry for being such a newbie, I don’t understand js very well when it’s at this scope u_u
Thanks in advance,
Ok so I don’t need this plugin anymore since your theme works with the very simple modification I found at least, so you can close this issue if needed. I still feel that the documentation should be a bit clearer that the note collection is handled by your plugin, and how to modify the getData function, but yeah I’m a newbie.
Thanks for your works, plugins and theme, it helps a lot navigating in eleventy!