diamond-miner copied to clipboard
a simple, reliable and easy-to-use java config system base on taobao diamond
a java config system base on taobao diamond, main changes included:
- API is simplified to be more friendly.
- All files charset changed from GBK to UTF-8.
- Logging system changed from commons logging to slf4j.
- All code were cleaned and refactored.
- Description and valid fields were added for convenience.
- Diamond server disk files are rooted as use home directory.
- A cache was added to client based on diamond and guava cache.
- Some other changes.
- Setup mysql database and tables
- Startup diamond-server
- Try to use diamond-client
Setup mysql database and tables
- create database diamond
create database diamond;
- create table
-- for MySQL
create table diamond_stones (
id varchar(255) not null,
data_id varchar(255) not null,
group_id varchar(128) not null,
content longtext not null,
description longtext default null,
valid tinyint(1) not null default 1,
gmt_create datetime not null,
gmt_modified datetime not null,
primary key (id),
unique key uk_diamond_datagroup (data_id,group_id)
) default charset=utf8;
-- for ORACLE
create table diamond_stones (
id varchar2(400) not null primary key,
data_id varchar2(255) not null,
group_id varchar2(128) not null,
content long not null,
description varchar2(1024),
valid number(1,0) default 1,
gmt_create date not null,
gmt_modified date not null
create index idx_diamond_stones on diamond_stones(data_id, group_id);
- create user
-- for MySQL
create user 'diamond'@'%' identified by 'diamond';
grant all privileges on diamond.* to diamond@'%';
create user 'diamond'@'localhost' identified by 'diamond';
grant all privileges on diamond.* to diamond@'localhost';
Setup diamond-server
1. download the diamond-server code from github
2. run the command:
mvn package && cd target && java -jar diamond-server-0.0.8-exec.war -httpPort 17002
- Cluster example
- java -jar diamond-server-0.0.8-exec.war -httpPort 18001
- java -jar diamond-server-0.0.8-exec.war -httpPort 18002
- Add config: dataId=nameservers, group=admin, content=localhost:18001 localhost:18002
The default mysql connection is:
If you have the different mysql ip, user or passoword, you can have several ways to change your connection info:
- put a diamond-jdbc.properties in your current directory(same directory with diamond-server-0.0.X.war).
- update WEB-INF/classes/diamond-jdbc.properties in diamond-server-0.0.X.war.
- put a diamond-jdbc.properties in ~/.diamond-server/。
After you setup diamond-server successfully, you can open http://localhost:17002/diamond-server to login in diamond-server console. The default username and password is admin/admin.
Try to use diamond-client
- Setup connection info for client
- Create diamond-client.properties in the classpath root or in ~/.diamond-client/.
- Add one line to diamond-client.properties
or cluster way
DiamondServer.address=localhost:18001 localhost:18002
- Simple use examples
String foo = new Miner().getString("foo"); // foofoo
String bar = new Miner().getStone("my_group", "bar"); // barbar
int defaultTimeout = 10;
int timeout = new Miner().getInt("timeout", defaultTimeout);
- Add a listener to repsonse config changing.
DiamondManager diamondManager = new DiamondManager("foo");
diamondManager.addDiamondListener(new DiamondListener() {
public Executor getExecutor() {
return null;
public void accept(DiamondStone diamondStone) {
System.out.println("DiamondListener:" + diamondStone.getContent());
String diamond = diamondManager.getDiamond();
- Use substitution (Supported by DiamondMiner, and N/A in DiamondManager)
String foobar = DiamondMiner.getString("foobar");
// ${foo}-${bar} will substituted to foofoo-barbar
- Use diamond cache
Create a cache updater class, and it should implement Callable interface.
package org.n3r.diamond.client; import org.n3r.diamond.client.cache.ParamsAppliable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; public class DemoUpdater implements Callable<String>, ParamsAppliable { private String param; @Override public String call() { return param + new Date(); } @Override public void applyParams(String[] params) { this.param = Arrays.toString(params); } }
Add a config like:
dataId=foo, group=DEFAULT_GROUP, [email protected]("Hello world") @TimestampMark("2013-10-09 10:37:08.123")
Get the cache:
String cache = DiamondMiner.getCache("foo");
Update the cache manually, any change of config will cause cache updated.
[email protected]("Hello world") @TimestampMark("2013-10-09 10:37:10.234") or [email protected]("你好,中国") @TimestampMark("2013-10-09 10:37:10.234")
- garbled characters on TOMCAT console: add
to VM options - check charset in MYSQL :
show create database diamond;
show create table diamond_stones;
set names utf8;
ALTER TABLE `config_info` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
- The client and server local store tree:
~/.diamond-client ~/.diamond-server
|____config-data |____config-dump
|____DiamondServer.address | |____admin
|____snapshot | | |____users.diamond
| | |____foo.cache | | |____bar.diamond
| | |____foo.diamond | | |____foo.diamond
| | |____SOLR_URL.diamond | | |____SOLR_URL.diamond
- The client api will lookup config in privileged by order:
- The local disaster recovery dir(~/.diamond-client/config-data)
- Httpclient to diamond-server if local cache missed
- Local snapshot
So if the diamond-server died, the client can still work by snapshot. And even when the snapshot is not available, the local disaster recovery dir can be used temporarily.
- The client has a standalone thread to update configs to diamond-server by comparing those md5 periodically per 15 seconds.
- The server will dump all the config from database periodically per 10 minutes.
- More links: