Eric Lauzon
Eric Lauzon
Without more information it is hard to diagnosis anything. Mabey you have one event with multiple packets in a previous unified2 file.. The best way to test it would be...
A stacktrace would be helpfull. By2 is not "messing" the memory and it should reconnect without an issue. So posting a stacktrace or a coredump with your compiled binary would...
Agreed, the issue will be kept open to remember about it.
Not forgoten. On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 12:34 AM, Nate Doohyun Jang < [email protected]> wrote: > Remind! > > — > You are receiving this because you are subscribed...
The code should not assume certain tools usage if input is corrupted output will also be. On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Rob Mosher [email protected] wrote: > Barnyard2...
I agree that using tail for that can speed up startup but its not the in memory linked list parsed from or file that are slow. Its the...
#define long_list On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Rob Mosher [email protected] wrote: > It still shaved a few minutes of time off during startup using a long list....
And on what type of hardware? Minutes you see are from here: if( BcUniqueMap() || (cacheSignatureLookup(&lookupNode,iMasterCache->cacheSignatureHead) == 0) ) Comment that line in your patch and you shouldn't see minutes...
Sorry i replied quickly with something that should be read as follow: Initialization of 10-20k if it takes minutes to read the is probably more hardware setup dependant. Where...
If you use a database, do a select count(*) from signature; im curious. On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 9:35 PM, beenph [email protected] wrote: > Sorry i replied quickly with...