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[WxWidgets 3.1.2] Depency libwebkitgtk-dev not available any more on Ubuntu 19.04

Open loloof64 opened this issue 5 years ago • 8 comments

Package and Environment Details

  • Package Name/Version: wxwidgets/3.1.2
  • Operating System+version: Linux Ubuntu 19.04 (64 bit)
  • Compiler+version: gcc-8.3.0
  • Conan version: conan 1.16.1
  • Python version: Python 3.7.3 (default is Python 2.7.16)

Conan profile (output of conan profile show default or conan profile show <profile> if custom profile is in use)

Configuration for profile default:

[settings] os=Linux os_build=Linux arch=x86_64 arch_build=x86_64 compiler=gcc compiler.version=8 compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 build_type=Release [options] [build_requires] [env]

Main issue

I'm facing an issue with bincrafter wxwidget package : it depends on an obsolete ubuntu package wxwidgets/3.1.2@bincrafters/stable: ERROR: while executing system_requirements(): Command 'sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libwebkitgtk-dev:amd64' failed It seems that libwebkitgtk-dev has been removed from Ubuntu 19.04 for security reasons.

loloof64 avatar Jul 04 '19 20:07 loloof64

Replaced by webkit2gtk?

madebr avatar Jul 05 '19 03:07 madebr

Does not exist neither

loloof64 avatar Jul 05 '19 06:07 loloof64

I meant libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev

madebr avatar Jul 05 '19 11:07 madebr

Seems that I'd installed it already. But thank's anyway, as I finally solved the problem by modifying the conan configuration file, and setting sysrequires_mode to disabled.

loloof64 avatar Jul 05 '19 13:07 loloof64

Currently we are building not only with the old API but also with GTK 2. Not sure if WxWidgets supports the new API and GTK 4 🤔

Could somebody find that out?

//cc @SSE4

Croydon avatar Jul 06 '19 21:07 Croydon

going forward, the solution is to create conan GTK package, as system requirements have too many problems and don't scale well

SSE4 avatar Jul 09 '19 09:07 SSE4

I found this when discussing cross compiling Linux in #1433. There is a GTK package now here but I haven't tried updating the wxWidgets recipes. It looks like wxWidgets assumes GTK 2 by default but supports GTK 3. GTK 4 won't be supported for a while: it's not on the roadmap for 3.2.

The recipe could have an option to use the gtk/3 package by default but also select gtk/system (or gtk/4 in the future)?

gmeeker avatar Dec 10 '21 21:12 gmeeker

We want to get rid of system packages as much as possible. If wxWidgets supports GTK3 then we can replace it. An option to choose gtk/system instead is not really in our interest

Croydon avatar Dec 11 '21 00:12 Croydon