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Modular boost packages [boost_*/1.69.0@bincrafters/stable] uses ranlib from Xcode while cross compile to Android
Description of Problem, Request, or Question
boost build system uses wrong ranlib/ar from Xcode while cross compile from macOS to Android
Package and Environment Details (include every applicable attribute)
- Package Name/Version: cpprestsdk/2.10.13@bincrafters/stable, boost/1.69.0@conan/stable as cpprestsdk dependency
- Operating System+version: macOS Mojave 10.14.5
- Compiler+version: NDK r20 clang (8?)
- Conan version: Conan 1.16.1
- Python version: Python 2.7.10
Conan profile (output of conan profile show default
or conan profile show <profile>
if custom profile is in use)
[settings] os_build=Macos arch_build=x86_64
compiler=clang compiler.version=8 compiler.libcxx=libc++ os=Android os.api_level=21 arch=armv7 build_type=Release
[build_requires] android_ndk_installer/r20@bincrafters/stable
Steps to reproduce (Include if Applicable)
Install & cross build boost with custom profile
Logs (Include/Attach if Applicable)
clang-darwin.archive bin/coroutine/build/bf1f2eab5ae9300733d1e9c8da988d4a/libboost_coroutine.a warning: /Applications/ warning for library: bin/coroutine/build/bf1f2eab5ae9300733d1e9c8da988d4a/libboost_coroutine.a the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols) common.copy coroutine/lib/libboost_coroutine.a
I need to clarify this. cpprestsdk/2.10.13 uses the conan modular boost packages (boost_*/1.69.0@bincrafters/stable) and NOT as I thought boost/1.69.0@conan/stable.
I'll change the title in "Modular boost packages [boost_*/1.69.0@bincrafters/stable] uses ranlib from Xcode while cross compile to Android" later.