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Binbash Leverage Reference Architecture documentation


binbash Leverage™ Documentation


This repository contains all files used to create binbash Leverage Reference Documentation


  • master --> contains the source code
  • gh-pages --> deployable (builded) version

Deployed Documentation

Check it out here.

Development / Contributing

  1. Clone the repo locally
  2. Config your MkDocs env including the navigation tree directory via mkdocs.yml file.
  3. Spin up your MkDocs local dev web server environment (http://localhost:8000) (real time updates we'll be shown) (docker daemon needed) via Makefile cmd
 make init-makefiles # needed only the first time
 make docs-live          
  1. Update necessary *.md files inside the docs/ folder and check your updates through the local environment browser
  2. And create your PR from BBL-XXX to master branch.
  3. The Github Pages site https://leverage.binbash.co will be automatically deployed via CircleCI job to the gh-pages branch (currently being built from this branch).
    • It currently uses the make docs-deploy-gh cmd which could be locally executed if needed too.


  • Several sections needs completion or update.

About Diagrams

Some of them have editable version under docs/assets/diagrams/editable.

Others are directly exported from https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t2SWgWlGvuIOqYHkpzxQSVLafI_MCsA3gNz6Kkyf6TE/edit#slide=id.p6.