CarouselView copied to clipboard
This library is updated version of Android 3D Carousel.
List of changes:
- Fixed touch gesture
- Improved performance
- Closed issue with battery life
- Added opportunity to add layout content
- New parameters for carousel view.
Optional for widget view:
* Default min quantity of views.
static final int MIN_QUANTITY = 3;
* Default max quantity of views.
static final int MAX_QUANTITY = 12;
* Set diameter distortion, 1.0 = perfect circle
static final float DIAMETER_SCALE = 0.4f;
* Rate to shrink objects as they appear further back in the depth field. Typical values 1.0,
* linear, 2.0 twice as fast.
static final float DEPTH_SCALE = 0.8f;
* Tilt angle, negative lifts up back, positive lowers back.
static float TILT = -0.3f;
* Limit depth scale used to shrink far objects to not fall below this minimum scale.
static final float MIN_SCALE = 0.4f;
* Max velocity for scrolling.
static final int MAX_SCROLLING_VELOCITY = 16000;
* Max scrolling distance.
static final int MAX_SCROLLING_DISTANCE = 13;
* Duration in milliseconds from the start of a scroll during which we're
* unsure whether the user is scrolling or flinging.
* Duration in milliseconds from the start of animation to end.
static final int ANIMATION_DURATION = 200;
* Default value for rotation scroll threshold.
static final int SCROLLING_THRESHOLD = 150;
* Default min alpha value.
static final int MIN_ALPHA = 30;
* Defines default selected item.
static final int DEFAULT_SELECTED_ITEM = 0;
* Configures size of items which are not in front.
static final int CAROUSEL_ITEM_Z_POSITION = 1;
* Configures vertical shift of non-front items.
static final float CAROUSEL_ITEM_Y_POSITION= 1.0f;