So, what is the final verdict on this? Change the parameter to take an sf::String instead of std::string and convert it to ANSI?
If you mean OS-wide modal, then no that is not possible since SFGUI sits on top of SFML and only interfaces with the operating system through it and since SFML...
Not yet... the status quo hasn't changed since my last comment. Focusing more on getting SFML into a stable state. After that SFGUI can receive some attention again.
22 commits? Can't you squash them (at least yours) or something? :confused:
It's easier to review changes when they are batched into fewer changesets.
I like to checkout the code locally and review it using my own tools.
Send a pull request. :wink: I'll review it and provide feedback. We tend to like individual pull requests for each feature, but if you don't feel like splitting them up,...
Sure, go for it.
It would be nice if the user didn't have to do so much work themselves for something they almost always expect. Add the scrollbars... :wink: