rabbit-on-k8s-standalone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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An example on how to setup RabbitMQ cluster in k8s

  • RabbitMQ cluster on k8s suitable for OpenStack control plane workloads

Choices and tradeoffs are explained in detail at https://www.mirantis.com/blog/clustered-rabbitmq-kubernetes/

** Steps to reproduce the setup on the minikube

  • Start minikube with you preferred defults #+BEGIN_SRC sh minikube start --cpus=2 --memory=4096 --vm-driver=kvm #+END_SRC

  • Create a namespace so you can easily reset an environment when something goes wrong #+BEGIN_SRC sh kubectl create namespace demo #+END_SRC

  • Make some etcd installation available under ~etcd~ name #+BEGIN_SRC sh kubectl run etcd --image=microbox/etcd --port=4001 --namespace=demo -- --name etcd kubectl --namespace=demo expose deployment etcd #+END_SRC

  • Build a Docker image #+BEGIN_SRC sh eval $(minikube docker-env) docker build . -t rabbitmq-autocluster #+END_SRC

  • Initialize k8s secret for erlang cookie #+BEGIN_SRC sh kubectl create secret generic --namespace=demo erlang.cookie --from-file=./erlang.cookie #+END_SRC

  • Deploy RabbitMQ cluster #+BEGIN_SRC sh kubectl create -f rabbitmq.yaml #+END_SRC

  • Check that clustering indeed worked #+BEGIN_SRC sh FIRST_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace demo -l 'app=rabbitmq' -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name }') kubectl exec --namespace=demo $FIRST_POD rabbitmqctl cluster_status #+END_SRC

    And we should see some output similar to the following one (where the most important bit of information is that ~nodes~ and ~running_nodes~ both contain 3 names): #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Cluster status of node '[email protected]' ... [{nodes,[{disc,['[email protected]','[email protected]', '[email protected]']}]}, {running_nodes,['[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]']}, {cluster_name,<<"rabbit@rabbitmq-deployment-861116474-cmshz">>}, {partitions,[]}, {alarms,[{'[email protected]',[]}, {'[email protected]',[]}, {'[email protected]',[]}]}]