binance-connector-node copied to clipboard
feat: add typescript partial support
Typescript support
partially resolve
Complete typescript support is huge work. I propose to add some first types and I invite typescript users to add their types when they work with a non-typed method
Added types:
- Global
class constructor - API base methods:
- 2 market methods:
- 3 trade methods:
This pull-request has been approved by: CorentinDoue
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Welcome @CorentinDoue! It looks like this is your first PR to binance/binance-connector-node 🎉
@hgiasac: adding LGTM is restricted to approvers and reviewers in OWNERS files.
In response to this:
Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes/test-infra repository.
@CorentinDoue good idea.
I also wrote some types definitions I needed, will be happy to add them too.
* Enums are documented here:
declare module "@binance/connector" {
export declare type BinanceAsset = string;
export declare type BinanceClientOrderId = string;
export declare type BinanceKline = [
openTime: number,
open: BinanceQuantity,
high: BinanceQuantity,
low: BinanceQuantity,
close: BinanceQuantity,
volume: BinanceQuantity,
closeTime: number,
quoteAssetVolume: BinanceQuantity,
numberOfTrades: number,
takerBuyBaseAssetVolume: BinanceQuantity,
takerBuyQuoteAssetVolume: BinanceQuantity
export declare type BinanceKlineInterval =
| "1m"
| "3m"
| "5m"
| "15m"
| "30m"
| "1h"
| "2h"
| "4h"
| "6h"
| "8h"
| "12h"
| "1d"
| "3d"
| "1w"
| "1M";
export declare type BinanceOcoOrderContingencyType = "OCO";
export declare type BinanceOcoOrderListOrderStatus =
| "EXECUTING" // used when an order list has been placed or there is an update to a list's status.
| "ALL_DONE" // used when an order list has finished executing and is no longer active.
| "REJECT"; // used when ListStatus is responding to a failed action. (either order list placement or cancellation)
export declare type BinanceOcoOrderListStatusType =
| "RESPONSE" // used when ListStatus is responding to a failed action. (either order list placement or cancellation)
| "EXEC_STARTED" // used when an order list has been placed or there is an update to a list's status.
| "ALL_DONE"; // used when an order list has finished executing and is no longer active.
export declare type BinanceOrderRespType = "ACK" | "RESULT" | "FULL";
export declare type BinanceOrderStatus =
| "NEW" // The order has been accepted by the engine.
| "PARTIALLY_FILLED" // A part of the order has been filled.
| "FILLED" // The order has been completed.
| "CANCELED" // The order has been canceled by the user.
| "PENDING_CANCEL" // Currently unused
| "REJECTED" // The order was not accepted by the engine and not processed.
| "EXPIRED"; // The order was canceled according to the order type's rules (e.g. LIMIT FOK orders with no fill, LIMIT IOC or MARKET orders that partially fill) or by the exchange, (e.g. orders canceled during liquidation, orders canceled during maintenance)
export declare type BinanceOrderSide = "BUY" | "SELL";
export declare type BinanceOrderType =
export declare type BinanceOrderId = number;
export declare type BinanceOrderSide = "BUY" | "SELL";
export declare type BinanceProductListOptionSortBy =
export declare type BinanceProductListOptionStatus =
| "ALL"
export declare type BinanceProductStatus =
export declare type BinanceProductType = "ACTIVITY" | "CUSTOMIZED_FIXED";
export declare type BinanceQuantity = "string";
export declare type BinanceRateLimitInteval = "DAY" | "MINUTE" | "SECOND";
export declare type BinanceRateLimitType =
export declare type BinanceRecvWindow = number; // The value cannot be greater than 60000
export declare type BinanceSymbol = string;
export declare type BinanceSymbolStatus = "TRADING" | "BREAK";
export declare type BinanceTime = number;
export declare type BinanceTimeInForce =
| "GTC" // Good Til Canceled. An order will be on the book unless the order is canceled.
| "IOC" // Immediate Or Cancel. An order will try to fill the order as much as it can before the order expires.
| "FOK"; // Fill or Kill. An order will expire if the full order cannot be filled upon execution.
export declare type BinanceTradeId = number;
export declare type BinanceApiResponse<Data> = {
status: number;
statusText: string;
data: Data;
export declare type BinanceBalance = {
asset: BinanceAsset;
free: BinanceQuantity;
locked: BinanceQuantity;
export declare type BinanceAccountInformation = {
makerCommission: number;
takerCommission: number;
buyerCommission: number;
sellerCommission: number;
canTrade: boolean;
canWithdraw: boolean;
canDeposit: boolean;
updateTime: BinanceTime;
accountType: string;
balances: BinanceBalance[];
permissions: string[];
export declare type BinanceAccountTrade = {
symbol: BinanceSymbol;
id: BinanceTradeId;
orderId: BinanceOrderId;
orderListId: BinanceOrderId; // Unless OCO, the value will always be -1
price: BinanceQuantity;
qty: BinanceQuantity;
quoteQty: BinanceQuantity;
commission: BinanceQuantity;
commissionAsset: BinanceAsset;
time: BinanceTime;
isBuyer: boolean;
isMaker: boolean;
isBestMatch: boolean;
export declare type BinanceFill = Pick<
"price" | "qty" | "commission" | "commissionAsset"
export declare type BinanceApiKeyPermission = {
ipRestrict: boolean;
createTime: BinanceTime;
enableWithdrawals: boolean; // This option allows you to withdraw via API. You must apply the IP Access Restriction filter in order to enable withdrawals
enableInternalTransfer: boolean; // This option authorizes this key to transfer funds between your master account and your sub account instantly
permitsUniversalTransfer: boolean; // Authorizes this key to be used for a dedicated universal transfer API to transfer multiple supported currencies. Each business's own transfer API rights are not affected by this authorization
enableVanillaOptions: boolean; // Authorizes this key to Vanilla options trading
enableReading: boolean;
enableFutures: boolean; // API Key created before your futures account opened does not support futures API service
enableMargin: boolean; // This option can be adjusted after the Cross Margin account transfer is completed
enableSpotAndMarginTrading: boolean; // Spot and margin trading
tradingAuthorityExpirationTime: BinanceTime; // Expiration time for spot and margin trading permission
export declare type BinanceAvgPrice = {
mins: number;
price: BinanceQuantity;
export declare type BinanceRateLimitInfo = {
rateLimitType: BinanceRateLimitType;
interval: BinanceRateLimitInterval;
intervalNum: number;
limit: number;
export declare type BinanceTicker24hr = {
symbol: "BNBBTC";
priceChange: BinanceQuantity;
priceChangePercent: BinanceQuantity;
weightedAvgPrice: BinanceQuantity;
prevClosePrice: BinanceQuantity;
lastPrice: BinanceQuantity;
lastQty: BinanceQuantity;
bidPrice: BinanceQuantity;
bidQty: BinanceQuantity;
askPrice: BinanceQuantity;
askQty: BinanceQuantity;
openPrice: BinanceQuantity;
highPrice: BinanceQuantity;
lowPrice: BinanceQuantity;
volume: BinanceQuantity;
quoteVolume: BinanceQuantity;
openTime: BinanceTime;
closeTime: BinanceTime;
firstId: BinanceTradeId; // First tradeId
lastId: BinanceTradeId; // Last tradeId
count: number; // Trade count
export declare type BinanceTickerPrice = {
symbol: BinanceSymbol;
price: BinanceQuantity;
export declare type BinanceSymbolInfo = {
symbol: BinanceSymbol;
status: BinanceSymbolStatus;
baseAsset: BinanceAsset;
baseAssetPrecision: number;
quoteAsset: BinanceAsset;
quotePrecision: number;
quoteAssetPrecision: number;
baseCommissionPrecision: number;
quoteCommissionPrecision: number;
// TODO orderTypes: [Array],
icebergAllowed: boolean;
ocoAllowed: boolean;
quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed: boolean;
isSpotTradingAllowed: boolean;
isMarginTradingAllowed: boolean;
// TODO filters
// TODO permissions
export declare type BinanceExchangeInfo = {
timezone: string;
serverTime: BinanceTime;
symbols: BinanceSymbolInfo[];
rateLimits: BinanceRateLimitInfo[];
export declare type BinanceOrder = {
symbol: BinanceSymbol;
orderId: BinanceOrderId;
orderListId: BinanceOrderId; // Unless OCO, the value will always be -1
clientOrderId: BinanceClientOrderId;
price: BinanceQuantity;
origQty: BinanceQuantity;
executedQty: BinanceQuantity;
cummulativeQuoteQty: BinanceQuantity;
transactTime: BinanceTime;
status: BinanceOrderStatus;
timeInForce: BinanceTimeInForce;
type: BinanceOrderType;
side: BinanceOrderSide;
stopPrice: BinanceQuantity;
icebergQty: BinanceQuantity;
time: BinanceTime;
updateTime: BinanceTime;
isWorking: boolean;
origQuoteOrderQty: BinanceQuantity;
export declare type BinanceOrderRespACK = Pick<
"symbol" | "orderId" | "orderListId" | "clientOrderId" | "transactTime"
export declare type BinanceOrderRespRESULT = Pick<
| "symbol"
| "orderId"
| "orderListId"
| "clientOrderId"
| "transactTime"
| "price"
| "origQty"
| "executedQty"
| "cummulativeQuoteQty"
| "status"
| "timeInForce"
| "type"
| "side"
export declare type BinanceOrderRespFULL = Pick<
| "symbol"
| "orderId"
| "orderListId"
| "clientOrderId"
| "transactTime"
| "price"
| "origQty"
| "executedQty"
| "cummulativeQuoteQty"
| "status"
| "timeInForce"
| "type"
| "side"
> & {
fills: BinanceFill[];
export declare type BinanceCanceledOrder = Pick<
| "symbol"
| "orderId"
| "orderListId"
| "clientOrderId"
| "price"
| "origQty"
| "executedQty"
| "cummulativeQuoteQty"
| "status"
| "timeInForce"
| "type"
| "side"
> & {
origClientOrderId: BinanceClientOrderId;
export declare type BinanceCanceledOrderReport = BinanceCanceledOrder &
Pick<BinanceCanceledOrder, "icebergQty"> &
Partial<Pick<BinanceCanceledOrder, "stopPrice">>;
export declare type BinanceCanceledOcoOrder = Pick<
"symbol" | "orderListId"
> & {
transactionTime: BinanceTime;
contingencyType: BinanceOcoOrderContingencyType;
listStatusType: BinanceOcoOrderListStatusType;
listOrderStatus: BinanceOcoOrderListOrderStatus;
orders: Pick<BinanceOrder, "symbol" | "orderId" | "clientOrderId">[];
orderReports: BinanceCanceledOrderReport[];
export declare type BinanceNewOrder =
| BinanceOrderRespACK
| BinanceOrderRespFULL
| BinanceOrderRespRESULT;
export declare type BinanceAllOrderOptions = Partial<{
orderId: BinanceOrderId;
startTime: BinanceTime;
endTime: BinanceTime;
limit: number;
recvWindow: BinanceRecvWindow;
export declare type BinanceGetOrderOptions = Partial<{
// Either orderId or origClientOrderId must be sent.
orderId: BinanceOrderId;
origClientOrderId: BinanceClientOrderId;
recvWindow: BinanceRecvWindow;
export declare type BinanceKlinesOptions = Partial<{
startTime: BinanceTime;
endTime: BinanceTime;
limit: number;
export declare type BinanceMyTradesOptions = Partial<{
orderId: BinanceOrderId;
startTime: BinanceTime;
endTime: BinanceTime;
fromId: BinanceOrderId; // TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades.
limit: number; // Default 500; max 1000.
recvWindow: BinanceRecvWindow;
export declare type BinanceNewOrderOptions = Partial<{
timeInForce: BinanceTimeInForce;
quantity: number;
quoteOrderQty: number;
price: number;
newClientOrderId: BinanceClientOrderId;
stopPrice: number;
icebergQty: number;
newOrderRespType: BinanceOrderRespType;
recvWindow: BinanceRecvWindow;
export declare type BinanceOpenOrdersOptions = Partial<{
// Careful when accessing this with no symbol.
// Weight(IP): 3 for a single symbol; 40 when the symbol parameter is omitted;
symbol: BinanceSymbol;
recvWindow: BinanceRecvWindow;
export declare type BinanceProduct = {
asset: BinanceAsset;
displayPriority: number;
duration: number;
interestPerLot: BinanceQuantity;
interestRate: BinanceQuantity;
lotSize: BinanceQuantity;
lotsLowLimit: number;
lotsPurchased: number;
lotsUpLimit: number;
maxLotsPerUser: number;
needKyc: boolean;
projectId: string;
projectName: string;
status: BinanceProductStatus;
type: BinanceProductType;
withAreaLimitation: boolean;
export declare type BinanceProductListOptions = Partial<{
asset: BinanceAsset;
current: number; // Currently querying page. Start from 1
isSortAsc: boolean;
recvWindow: BinanceRecvWindow;
size: number; // Default:10, Max:100
sortBy: BinanceProductListOptionSortBy;
status: BinanceProductListOptionStatus;
export class Spot {
constructor(apiKey?: string, apiSecret?: string);
account(): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceAccountInformation>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol,
options?: BinanceAllOrdersOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceOrder[]>>;
apiPermissions(): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceApiKeyPermission>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceAvgPrice>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol
): Promise<
BinanceApiResponse<(BinanceCanceledOrder | BinanceCanceledOcoOrder)[]>
exchangeInfo(): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceExchangeInfo>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol,
options?: BinanceGetOrderOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceOrder>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol,
interval: BinanceKlineInterval,
options?: BinanceKlinesOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceKline[]>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol,
options?: BinanceMyTradesOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceAccountTrade[]>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol,
side: BinanceOrderSide,
type: BinanceOrderType,
options?: BinanceNewOrderOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceNewOrder>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol,
type: BinanceOrderType,
side: BinanceOrderSide,
options?: BinanceNewOrderOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<{}>>;
options?: BinanceOpenOrdersOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceOrder[]>>;
type: BinanceProductType,
options?: BinanceProductListOptions
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceProduct[]>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceTicker24hr>>;
symbol: BinanceSymbol
): Promise<BinanceApiResponse<BinanceTickerPrice>>;
Why was merge closed?
@2460392754 probbly maintainers do not understand that if people contribute to their repo for free (as in beer), they cannot pretend they work for them and complete a regular PR like if they were Binance employee. We have our lives and the support here was poor. I moved to my own implementation, guys you need to understand that nowadays TypeScript is a must in 99.999% of cases.
also I started my own Binance API implementation in TS and the structure makes sense, I have a class handling public APIs and a class that extends the public one and implements private API. The Spot
class you are using does not make sense. With your code design and poor support you are not going to get many contributors.
Shame this one is not merged yet. Missing types in binance's official node connector is quite a fail. Sorry guys.