avm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
avm copied to clipboard

AntiVirus Monitor

avm - AntiVirus Monitor

The goal of the AntiVirus Monitor project is to combat AntiVirus false positives. AntiVirus Monitor is used to scan binaries using AntiVirus products. If an AntiVirus product reports a malware detection, then the detection is logged and the AntiVirus vendor can be contacted about a potential false positive.

The AntiVirus monitor can be used as a GitHub Action in a workflow or as a script from the Windows command line.

GitHub Action

The AntiVirus Monitor is a GitHub action that can scan binaries on a schedule and post a GitHub notification when a false positive is found.

To add this capability to your repository add a file named .github/workflows/avm.yml with the following contents:


name: avm

  - cron: '0 2,8,14,20 * * *'

    runs-on: [windows-latest]
    - uses: billziss-gh/avm@v1
        files: |

This workflow is scheduled to run every 6 hours (at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 PST) and scan files FILE1 and FILE2 for viruses. If an AntiVirus product finds that one of the files is infected (e.g. because of a false positive due to a recent update of the product's signature database), then a GitHub notification is posted.

NOTE: In order to have GitHub notifications posted, make sure that you have enabled GitHub Actions notifications under your account's Settings > Notifications > GitHub Actions.

Command line

The AntiVirus monitor is a Powershell script named avm.ps1. Its usage is simple:

avm scan [-OutputPath PATH] FILE...

This will scan the specified FILE's. The FILE may be a local file or a file accessible via http(s). If any malware is detected, the script will output the details. Additionally the -OutputPath option can be used to have any malware reports saved in the specified directory PATH.

> .\avm scan https://github.com/InQuest/malware-samples/raw/master/2018-05-Agent-Tesla-Open-Directory/agent-tesla/0abb52b3e0c08d5e3713747746b019692a05c5ab8783fd99b1300f11ea59b1c9
VERS: WindowsDefender 1.309.1457.0

SCAN: WindowsDefender 1.309.1457.0
FILE: 0abb52b3e0c08d5e3713747746b019692a05c5ab8783fd99b1300f11ea59b1c9

Scan starting...
Scan finished.
Scanning C:\Users\billziss\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC056.tmp found 1 threats.

<===========================LIST OF DETECTED THREATS==========================>
----------------------------- Threat information ------------------------------
Threat                  : TrojanDownloader:Win32/Upatre
Resources               : 1 total
    file                : C:\Users\billziss\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC056.tmp

Supporting additional AntiVirus products

The AntiVirus Monitor supports the following AntiVirus products:

  • Windows Defender

This section discusses the project structure and how to add support for additional AntiVirus products.

Project structure:

  • avm.ps1: Main script. Follows the subcommand pattern.
  • cmd: Subcommands can be found here.
  • av: AntiVirus product support can be found here.
  • action: GitHub Action support files can be found here.

To add support for a new AntiVirus product PRODUCT a file named PRODUCT.ps1 must be added to the av directory and the functions named AvVersion-PRODUCT and AvScan-PRODUCT must exist in the file. For example, here are the functions for Windows Defender:


function AvVersion-WindowsDefender {
    $ThreatDefinitionVersion = (Get-MpComputerStatus).AntispywareSignatureVersion
    "VERS: WindowsDefender $ThreatDefinitionVersion"


function AvScan-WindowsDefender ($ScanPath, $DisplayName) {
    $AvRoot = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender' -Name InstallLocation
    $AvProg = Join-Path $AvRoot 'MpCmdRun.exe'
    if (-not (Test-Path $AvProg)) {
        $AvProg = 'C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe'

    $ScanOut = & $AvProg -Scan -ScanType 3 -File $ScanPath -DisableRemediation
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        $ThreatDefinitionVersion = (Get-MpComputerStatus).AntispywareSignatureVersion
        Write-ScanOutput "SCAN: WindowsDefender $ThreatDefinitionVersion"
        Write-ScanOutput "FILE: $DisplayName`n"
        Write-ScanOutput $ScanOut