Davide Bellini
Davide Bellini
Yes, I've the same problem. With an iPhone 5s an effect require 15 seconds to be applied.
@GrahamCampbell @jbrooksuk This order must be the same on the API?
@jbrooksuk @GrahamCampbell What about this query scope for ComponentGroup model that extract the group severity? ``` php public function scopeWithSeverity(Builder $query) { $subquery = 'SELECT group_id, MAX(status) as severity FROM...
@ConnorVG Is only an example to show you what I think to do. We can try to get the same thing using the query builder, although I think it would...
@jbrooksuk @GrahamCampbell Thoughts on this?
@jbrooksuk @ConnorVG Agree, I'm trying to figure out how to execute this subquery without DB::raw ... any suggestions?
@ConnorVG Yes the problem is merging the scope, not create the query :)
@ConnorVG what about this? I think there aren't SQL injection points. ``` php /** * Add status severity. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeWithSeverity(Builder...
Ping @jbrooksuk
@ConnorVG I don't know an other way to do this. Does not seem that the query can cause security vulnerability. I don't see anything wrong to use DB::raw in this...