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GitOps principles to define kubernetes cluster state via code
GitOps Workflow for Kubernetes Cluster
:book: Overview
Leverage Flux2 to automate cluster state using code residing in this repo
:computer: Infrastructure
See the k3s setup in the homelab-infrastructure repo for more detail about hardware and infrastructure
:gear: Setup
See setup for more detail about setup & bootstrapping a new cluster
:wrench: Workloads (by namespace)
- cert-manager
- default
- flux-system-extra
- kube-system
- logs
- monitoring
- rook-ceph
- system-upgrade
- velero
:robot: Automation
- Renovate keeps workloads up-to-date by scanning the repo and opening pull requests when it detects a new container image update or a new helm chart
- Kured automatically drains & reboots nodes when OS patches are applied requiring a reboot
- System Upgrade Controller automatically upgrades k3s to new versions as they are released
:handshake: Community
There is a really great community of like-minded folks doing similar efforts who have shared their clusters over at awesome-home-kubernetes
There is also an active the k8s@home Discord for this community and great discussion.