Pubmed-Batch-Download copied to clipboard
Batch download articles based on PMID (Pubmed ID)
I got a list of PMIDs and most of the PMIDs return below error. failed from error Invalid URL 'DYO5YSKQsvZXXy6uuDK4U4OqcUzpL1eBPhVPgvooI9ZjD1OcNxvES35gEbcFgwaa': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant http://DYO5YSKQsvZXXy6uuDK4U4OqcUzpL1eBPhVPgvooI9ZjD1OcNxvES35gEbcFgwaa? Any idea?
Hey Bill, The code is working fine and whenever possible, the files are getting downloaded. However, all of these pdfs seem corrupt. To make sure I am not doing anything...
Hi, I'm trying to do a test of the program and am using your test file. `$ python -pmf example_pmf.tsv -out test1` However I'm getting a connection error -...
I have a list of Article title for which I wanted to extract PMID from NCBI, can I do it in one go?
I'm getting the following error. Has anyone else experienced this as well? Or is this likely a user error on my part? `Trying to fetch pmid 31619796 Trying genericCitationLabelled Trying...
Hello I just installed the 2 required packages and tried to fetch a couple of refs (using either my PMID or the example_pmf.tsv) but I get the following errors: Any...
When fetching the physiology articles, I get: `python -pmid 11045978 Trying to fetch pmid 11045978 Trying genericCitationLabelled Trying pubmed_central_v2 Trying acsPublications Trying uchicagoPress Trying nejm Trying futureMedicine ** fetching...
Hi Bill, I get two other types of error messages for papers I can access if I click through from pubmed. I suspect that the "badstatusline" error may relate to...