kratos-demo copied to clipboard
初次接触搞不定了 ..undefined: DemoClient
`kratos tool protoc --grpc --bm api.proto
2020/04/15 17:33:32 protoc --proto_path=/Users/jelty/data/GoPath/src --proto_path=/Users/jelty/data/GoPath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/third_party --proto_path=/Users/jelty/data/GoPath/src/kratos-demo/api --bm_out=:. api.proto
api.proto: File does not reside within any path specified using --proto_path (or -I). You must specify a --proto_path which encompasses this file. Note that the proto_path must be an exact prefix of the .proto file names -- protoc is too dumb to figure out when two paths (e.g. absolute and relative) are equivalent (it's harder than you think).
exit status 1
exit status 1
kratos tool genbts
Close: 无声明 忽略此方法
Ping: 无声明 忽略此方法
dao.bts.go: 生成成功
kratos tool genmc
mc.cache.go: 生成成功
kratos tool wire
wire: /Users/jelty/data/GoPath/src/kratos-demo/internal/service/service.go:15:33: first argument to Bind must be a pointer to an interface type; found
jelty@jeltydeMBP:~/data/GoPath/src/kratos-demo/cmd| ⇒ go build
../api/client.go:15:68: undefined: DemoClient ../api/client.go:21:9: undefined: NewDemoClient