I've changed the way transfer logging works in the 'general case' (not extractedFS or NSP) and also attempted to reconcile with upstream, but upstream changed since last I looked so...
Also: I am realizing that match/case is a Python 3.10+ feature. This will put nxdt out of reach of people with older systems, and the fact that you're checking for...
While it now reports no conflicts, do not attempt to run yet. While some changes were of no consequence most need to now be reapplied.
Added changes back without issue.
After further testing, the approach taken of making the Windows path change as early instead of as late as possible has the consequence of every subsequent path set with g_outputDir...
After further testing it appears that, longfile name syntax or not, MSYS2 or not, Windows appears to have the same 255 character/byte limit as other filesystems/operating systems do for the...
Ken Collins' monkeypatch is also applicable to 1.20pre; just comment out the first and last lines.
@luislavena- I started rails just a few wks ago. I haven't yet got up to speed on tests, but if you have a good quick resource that tells me how,...