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Enabling 5v on ramps 1.6+ ??
I want to connect a bltouch probe on ramps 1.6+ (with rearm 32 bit card). In marlin 2.0.x I define : #define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN 11 So I plug the orange cable of 3dtouch on the first pin of servos.
Where must I connect the red and brown cable ? And the white and black cable ? in z min ?
My question is about the jumper between 5v and vcc (next to the extruder driver) Must I leave it or not ?
What does this jumper do ?
Thank you.
Facing the same issue...
The RE-ARM is based on a MCU that operates on 3v3 logic, not 5v like the MEGA, or even DUE.
The RAMPS board has two voltage channels; High Voltage (typically 12v) and Logic Voltage (3.3v or 3v3 for the RE-ARM). Logic voltage is needed to trigger end-stops, heaters, and other accessories. side note: I suggest to use the on-board thermister connections on the RE-ARM over the RAMPS.
The RE-ARM has 3 voltage channels in order to attempt to make it 'compatible" with the MEGA. the RE-ARM has the input voltage at the barrel jack, a 5v rail, and a 3v3 logic rail. The 5v rail is for some plug-in accessories.
The above is why the RE-ARM has an optional display cable for the RRD displays, so that you can pull the needed 5v off of a different header pin over the RRD adapter, which has 3v3 feeding it.
Add in your BLTouch/Clone.. There are two operating modes; 5v (default) and 3v3 which is typically selectable via a trace that is either soldered or cut on the sensor. BLTouch/clones have two distinct voltage requirements; Logic and Actuator. Logic is has selectable via the trace and the Actuator requires 5v. Thankfully the RE-ARM end-stop pins (+/- X, Y, and Z) are all 5v tolerant. But you still need to supply 5v to the Actuator.
Luckily, you can pull 5v off the RE-ARM board itself. You can pull the needed 5v from the UART, J3, or J12 headers. See the Panucatt pinout link below.
Good luck, hope this helps.
The RE-ARM is based on a MCU that operates on 3v3 logic, not 5v like the MEGA, or even DUE.
The RAMPS board has two voltage channels; High Voltage (typically 12v) and Logic Voltage (3.3v or 3v3 for the RE-ARM). Logic voltage is needed to trigger end-stops, heaters, and other accessories. side note: I suggest to use the on-board thermister connections on the RE-ARM over the RAMPS.
The RE-ARM has 3 voltage channels in order to attempt to make it 'compatible" with the MEGA. the RE-ARM has the input voltage at the barrel jack, a 5v rail, and a 3v3 logic rail. The 5v rail is for some plug-in accessories.
The above is why the RE-ARM has an optional display cable for the RRD displays, so that you can pull the needed 5v off of a different header pin over the RRD adapter, which has 3v3 feeding it.
Add in your BLTouch/Clone.. There are two operating modes; 5v (default) and 3v3 which is typically selectable via a trace that is either soldered or cut on the sensor. BLTouch/clones have two distinct voltage requirements; Logic and Actuator. Logic is has selectable via the trace and the Actuator requires 5v. Thankfully the RE-ARM end-stop pins (+/- X, Y, and Z) are all 5v tolerant. But you still need to supply 5v to the Actuator.
Luckily, you can pull 5v off the RE-ARM board itself. You can pull the needed 5v from the UART, J3, or J12 headers. See the Panucatt pinout link below.
Good luck, hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply, frankly i did not get your point. And also you link not opening.
@venuasg, you have different voltages between the RE-ARM and the Arduino MEGA.
The RAMPS board was designed to interface with the MEGA, which uses 5v logic, The MEGA (MCU) Logic voltage is brought up from the MEGA to the RAMPS board. When J5 is has a jumper (where you point in your image) you get the 5v Logic voltage at the SERVO pins across the board (next to the reset button) on a MEGA/RAMPS stack.
RE-ARM (MCU) boards use 3.3v (3v3) Logic, so that logic voltage is now running though the RAMPS board on a RE-ARM/RAMPS stack. So if/when you jumper J5 (pins in your image), you will get 3.3v at SERVO pins next to the reset button.
There no "out of the box" way to plug a 5v servo into the RAMPS board using the RE-ARM logic voltage to get it to work.
You have to pull the needed 5v that the BLTouch servo needs from a 5v source. Two ways, 1) you can pull from one of 3 pins directly off the RE-ARM board, or you have to use an external 5v source.
Sorry that the link did not work. Try this one: http://panucattdevices.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/1000242059-support-files Then click on the "Re-ARM pinouts.pdf" link to get the location of the 5v pins on the Re-ARM board. You can use one of the three to provide the needed 5v to your BLTouch servo.
Thanks James, I could not get through as i am using RAMPS 1.6 with Arduino Mega 2560. Bit confused.
Hi there thank you for your work but please can you identify J3 on this board
Hi everyone!
I also have a problem with the BLtouch. When I use the jumper on 5V and VCC the RAMPs 1.6 turn off, and I can't connect my computer to the 3D printer. Then when I take off the jumper, the RAMPs turn on and I can connect the printer.
Does anyone know why it doesn't work?
Hi, Connect the BL Touch on your RAMPS 1.6 as per below stated pins and remove the jumper that you have connected.
Make sure you have enabled BLTOUCH in marlin.
Thanks for your help Venuasg. So your technique seems to work, because the BLtouch is on, but I still have a problem because Z axis doesn't stop when BL touch touch the bed, but that's probably because of the program on Repetier.
And I still don't know why the jumper turn off the RAMPs. Do you have an idea about that? Because I also would like to use the RRD fan extender on "servos", but if I don't have the 5V it won't work?
Hi, Good to know it worked, For BL Touch to work you need to check Repetier configuration, as I have not configured in Repetier could not help you much. For RAMPS on the RAMPS board the jumper pins are not taken care in the design, hence you need to ignore pluging in the jumper on the RAMPS. Do not spend much on thinking why it is not working all i say is to ignore. I have spent much time on this without any solution.
hi, I would like to add this ReArm pinout, in case anyone stumbles on this topic and is in dire need of the REARM pins.
Have a great day, greets, RMM Radionica
The RE-ARM is based on a MCU that operates on 3v3 logic, not 5v like the MEGA, or even DUE. The RAMPS board has two voltage channels; High Voltage (typically 12v) and Logic Voltage (3.3v or 3v3 for the RE-ARM). Logic voltage is needed to trigger end-stops, heaters, and other accessories. side note: I suggest to use the on-board thermister connections on the RE-ARM over the RAMPS. The RE-ARM has 3 voltage channels in order to attempt to make it 'compatible" with the MEGA. the RE-ARM has the input voltage at the barrel jack, a 5v rail, and a 3v3 logic rail. The 5v rail is for some plug-in accessories. The above is why the RE-ARM has an optional display cable for the RRD displays, so that you can pull the needed 5v off of a different header pin over the RRD adapter, which has 3v3 feeding it. Add in your BLTouch/Clone.. There are two operating modes; 5v (default) and 3v3 which is typically selectable via a trace that is either soldered or cut on the sensor. BLTouch/clones have two distinct voltage requirements; Logic and Actuator. Logic is has selectable via the trace and the Actuator requires 5v. Thankfully the RE-ARM end-stop pins (+/- X, Y, and Z) are all 5v tolerant. But you still need to supply 5v to the Actuator. Luckily, you can pull 5v off the RE-ARM board itself. You can pull the needed 5v from the UART, J3, or J12 headers. See the Panucatt pinout link below. Good luck, hope this helps. https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.freshdesk.com/data/helpdesk/attachments/production/1047536701/original/Re-ARM%20pinouts.pdf?response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAS6FNSMY2WD6T3JNC%2F20200924%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20200924T101031Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=6b999d5a7bcdc0a33d14516e373e2de4887717be8fd751eb5399aaf15992b8e8
Thanks for the reply, frankly i did not get your point. And also you link not opening.
The same jumper for RAMPS 1.5. Thank You man!!!!