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Using BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo for own code
I adapted an arduino program to vscode where it builds successfully, but doesn't upload it to the board. I see other people have issues with the the board I'm using (BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo), it has issues connecting to the PC. The board does not show up as a disk in explorer, but it does in device manager I've tried changing the port number, setting the BAUD rate to 115200 but it still claims threes no such file or directory:
Here is the code in the platform.ini file: [env:lpc1768] platform = nxplpc board = lpc1768 framework = mbed src_filter = +<charlie.cpp> upload_port = COM1
and here is the error message: Using manually specified: COM1 *** [upload] COM1\firmware.bin: No such file or directory.
I have tried installing the CH341SER Driver it just says "pre-install successful" with no changes. I tried putting the firmware.BIN file on an SD card and plugging it into the board, but still, nothing. Is there a specific way to flash this board? I've tried plugging, unplugging, resetting the board with the SD card inserted.
Compile the FW. Copy the created firmware.bin file to the SD card. Insert the SD card into the slot on the SKR board. Restrate SKR