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Validation with good Flow and TypeScript type inference
Validation with good Flow and TypeScript type inference
What it is
is a function that receives an arbitrary value and validates it.
returns the value if it passed the validation, or an instance of ValidationError
Contracts are a 100% guarantee that the data that passed validation matches your expected type definitions.
npm: npm install --save typed-contracts
yarn: yarn add typed-contracts
How it works
All contracts have this interface:
type Contract<+T> = {
(valueName: string): {
(value: mixed): ValidationError | T,
optional(value: mixed): ValidationError | void | T,
maybe(value: mixed): ValidationError | ?T,
(valueName: string, value: mixed): ValidationError | T,
optional(valueName: string): (value: mixed) => ValidationError | void | T,
optional(valueName: string, value: mixed): ValidationError | void | T,
maybe(valueName: string): (value: mixed) => ValidationError | ?T,
maybe(valueName: string, value: mixed): ValidationError | ?T,
Interface usage:
contract('my value', value) // => ValidationError | ValidValue
contract.maybe('my value', null) // => null
contract.maybe('my value', undefined) // => undefined
contract.maybe('my value', value) // => ValidationError | ValidValue
contract.optional('my value', undefined) // => undefined
contract.optional('my value', value) // => ValidationError | ValidValue
Contracts are curried:
contract('my value')(value)
contract('my value').maybe(value)
contract('my value').optional(value)
contract.maybe('my value')(value)
contract.optional('my value')(value)
Contracts can be combined
/* @flow */
const {
array, object, string,
union, ValidationError,
} = require('typed-contracts')
type Person = {
+name: string,
+gender: 'm' | 'f',
+friends: $ReadOnlyArray<Person>,
+email?: string | $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
// person returns Person-compatible value or ValidationError
const person = object({
name: string,
gender: union('m', 'f'),
friends: array((valueName, value) => person(valueName, value)),
email: union(string, array(string)).optional,
// We need to control compatibility of the return value type with Person
const userValidate:
(value: mixed) => Person | ValidationError =
const user = userValidate({ name: 'Vasya' })
Contracts API
Aliases: isArray
, passArray
, arr
, isArr
, passArr
Creates a contract which expects an array of values that are validated by the initial contract.
(...contracts: Array<
(valueName: string, value: mixed) => ValidationError | T,
>) => Contract
Aliases: isLiteral
, passLiteral
, lit
, isLit
, passLit
Creates a contract which expects a specific string, number or boolean value.
(expected: string | number | boolean) => Contract
Aliases: isNull
, passNull
Creates a contract which expects null.
Aliases: isNumber
, passNumber
, num
, isNum
, passNum
Creates a contract which expects a number.
Aliases: isBoolean
, passBoolean
, bool
, isBool
, passBool
Creates a contract which expects a boolean.
Aliases: isObject
, passObject
, obj
, isObj
, passObj
Creates a contract which expects an object whose properties are validated by the corresponding contracts in the spec.
(spec: { [key: string] (valueName: string, value: mixed) => (ValidationError | T) }) => Contract
(spec: { [key: string] (valueName: string, value: mixed) => (ValidationError | void | T) }) => Contract
Aliases: isObjectOf
, passObjectOf
, objOf
, isObjOf
, passObjOf
Creates a contract which expects an object whose properties are validated by the corresponding contracts in the spec.
(...contracts: Array<
| string
| number
| boolean
| ((valueName: string, value: mixed) => ValidationError | T),
>) => Contract
Aliases: isString
, passString
, str
, isStr
, passStr
Creates a contract which expects a string.
Aliases: isUnion
, passUnion
, uni
, isUni
, passUni
Creates a contract which expects a value, validating one of the initial contracts.
(...contracts: Array<
| string
| number
| boolean
| ((valueName: string, value: mixed) => ValidationError | T),
>) => Contract
Aliases: isUndefined
, passUndefined
, isUndef
, passUndef
, isVoid
, passVoid
Creates a contract which expects undefined
Using with ADT
import * as t from 'typed-contracts';
import { type Either, Right, Left } from 'igogo';
const transform = <T>(
result: t.ValidationError | T,
): Either<t.ValidationError, T> =>
result instanceof t.ValidationError ? Left(result) : Right(result);
const string = t.string.mapResult(transform);
const number = t.number.match<Either<*, *>>(Right, Left);