tagfmt copied to clipboard
Tagfmt formats struct tag within Go programs.
Tagfmt formats struct tag within Go programs.
It uses blanks for alignment. tag must be in key:"value" pair format
tagfmt feature:
- align field tags in part
- fill specified tag key to field
- sort field tags
get tagfmt
you can download from github releases
or go get
go get github.com/bigpigeon/tagfmt
usage: tagfmt [flags] [path ...]
-P string
field name with inverse regular expression pattern
-a align with nearby field's tag (default true)
-cpuprofile string
write cpu profile to this file
-d display diffs instead of rewriting files
-e report all errors (not just the first 10 on different lines)
-f string
fill key and value for field e.g json=lower(_val)|yaml=snake(_val)
-l list files whose formatting differs from tagfmt's
-p string
field name with regular expression pattern (default ".*")
-s sort struct tag by key
-sP string
struct name with inverse regular expression pattern
-so string
sort struct tag keys order e.g json|yaml|desc
-sp string
struct name with regular expression pattern (default ".*")
-sw string
sort struct tag keys weight e.g json=1|yaml=2|desc=-1 the higher weight, the higher the ranking, default keys weight is 0
-w write result to (source) file instead of stdout
use in vscode
- install filewatcher extension first
- edit filewatcher settings
- add sub item to
, and then save it - open the go file, add struct field and then save it
"match": "\\.go",
"isAsync": true,
"event": "onFileChange",
"cmd": "tagfmt -w -f \"json=or(:tag,snake(:field))|yaml=or(:tag,lower_camel(:field))\" ${file} -s -so \"json|yaml\" ${file} "
tag align
align tag according to the longest tag's object of each column
// tagfmt .
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `xml:"data" yaml:"data" json:"data"`
OtherData string `xml:"other_data" json:"other_data:omitempty" yaml:"other_data"`
the result
// tagfmt
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `xml:"data" yaml:"data" json:"data"`
OtherData string `xml:"other_data" json:"other_data:omitempty" yaml:"other_data"`
space line or no tag's field will split this rule, just like struct field align by gofmt
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `xml:"data" yaml:"data,omitempty" json:"data"`
OtherData string `xml:"other_data" json:"other_data" yaml:"other_data"`
NewLineData string `xml:"new_line_data" yaml:"new_line_data" json:"new_line_data"`
NewLineOtherData string `xml:"new_line_other_data" yaml:"new_line_other_data" json:"new_line_other_data"`
// after format
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `xml:"data" yaml:"data,omitempty" json:"data"`
OtherData string `xml:"other_data" json:"other_data" yaml:"other_data"`
NewLineData string `xml:"new_line_data" yaml:"new_line_data" json:"new_line_data"`
NewLineOtherData string `xml:"new_line_other_data" yaml:"new_line_other_data" json:"new_line_other_data"`
tag fill
tag fill can fill specified key to field tag
//tagfmt -f "json=:field"
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string ``
UserName string `json:"name"`
OrderID string `json:"order"`
Callback string ``
Address []string ``
// after format
package main
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `json:"ID"`
UserName string `json:"name"`
OrderID string `json:"order"`
Callback string `json:"callback"`
Address []string `json:"address"`
if you didn't want to change the existing tag, use 'or' function
//tagfmt -f "json=or(:tag, :field)"
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string ``
UserName string `json:"name"`
OrderID string `json:"order"`
Callback string ``
Address []string ``
// after format
package main
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `json:"ID"`
UserName string `json:"name"`
OrderID string `json:"order"`
Callback string `json:"Callback"`
Address []string `json:"Address"`
and then I hope the tag convert to snake case style, use snake
//tagfmt -f "json=or(:tag, snake(:field))"
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string ``
UserName string `json:"name"`
OrderID string `json:"order"`
Callback string ``
Address []string ``
// after format
package main
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
UserName string `json:"name"`
OrderID string `json:"order"`
Callback string `json:"callback"`
Address []string `json:"address"`
final my struct tag have some extra data need to keep it is, use ':tag_extra' to get extra data and '+' to link it
//tagfmt -f "json=snake(:field)+':tag_extra'"
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string ``
UserName string `json:",omitempty"`
OrderID string `json:"order,omitempty"`
Callback string ``
Address []string ``
// after format
package main
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
UserName string `json:"user_name,omitempty"`
OrderID string `json:"order_id,omitempty"`
Callback string `json:"callback"`
Address []string `json:"address"`
fill rule have many functions and placeholders to avoid writing tags manually
function | purpose |
upper(s string) | a-z to A-Z |
lower(s string) | A-Z to a-z |
snake(s string) | convert upper_camel/lower_camel word to snake case |
upper_camel(s string) | convert snake case/lower camel case to upper camel case |
lower_camel(s string) | convert upper camel case/snake case to lower camel case |
or(s string, s string) | return return first params if it's not zero,else return the second |
placeholder | purpose |
:field | replace with struct field name |
:tag | replace with struct field existed tag's value |
:tag_basic | replace with field existed tag's basic value (the value before the first ',' ) |
:tag_extra | replace with field existed tag's extra data (the value after the first ',' ) |
tag fill with comment filter
use // tagfill: [key1 key2]
to filter below struct requires key
//tagfmt -f "json=snake(:tag)|yaml=lower_camel(:tag)|bson=lower_camel(:tag)|toml=upper_camel(:tag)"
package main
// tagfill: toml yaml
type OrderConfig struct {
Name string ``
UserName string ``
Pay int ``
// tagfill: json bson
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string ``
UserName string ``
Pay int ``
after format
//tagfmt -f "json=snake(:tag)|yaml=lower_camel(:tag)|bson=lower_camel(:tag)|toml=upper_camel(:tag)"
package main
// tagfill: toml yaml
type OrderConfig struct {
Name string `toml:"" yaml:""`
UserName string `toml:"" yaml:""`
Pay int `toml:"" yaml:""`
// tagfill: json bson
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `bson:"" json:""`
UserName string `bson:"" json:""`
Pay int `bson:"" json:""`
tag sort
//tagfmt -s
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `xml:"data" yaml:"data" json:"data" `
// after format
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `json:"data" xml:"data" yaml:"data"`
you can use tag sort order to custom sort order
//tagfmt -s -so "json|yaml|desc"
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `desc:"some inuse data" yaml:"data" json:"data" `
// after format
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `json:"data" yaml:"data" desc:"some inuse data"`
use sort weight to determine the sort order
//tagfmt -s -sw "json=2|yaml=1|toml=1|desc=-1"
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `desc:"some inuse data" yaml:"data" toml:"data" binding:"required" json:"data" `
// after format
package main
type Example struct {
Data string `json:"data" toml:"data" yaml:"data" binding:"required" desc:"some inuse data"`
tag select
when use -p "regex"
the tagfmt only select fields that match the regular expression
you also use the -P "regex"
to invert the select
//tagfmt -P "^Ignore.*$"
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
UserName string `json:"user_name" yaml:"user_name"`
Ignore string `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
OrderID string `json:"order_id" yaml:"order_id"`
Callback string `json:"callback" yaml:"callback"`
Address []string `json:"address" yaml:"address"`
type OrderDetail struct {
ID string `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
UserName string `json:"user_name" yaml:"user_name"`
Ignore string `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
OrderID string `json:"order_id" yaml:"order_id"`
Callback string `json:"callback" yaml:"callback"`
Address []string `json:"address" yaml:"address"`
struct select
just like tag select, use -sp "regex"
regular expression to match what struct you want
use the -sP "regex"
to invert the select