expandable-recycler-view icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
expandable-recycler-view copied to clipboard


Results 69 expandable-recycler-view issues
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With all of the support libraries being deprecated and instead of being exchanged for AndroidX, I went ahead and migrated the project to AndroidX and replaced all the imports.

**EDITED** Use of expanding adapter for GridLayoutManager _Original Title:_ "Is there any way to use Grid Layout Manager with 2 columns but expand on full width?" _Original Text:_ Hi, Something...

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the method getChildAdapterPosition in ChildViewHolder seems useless since i cannot get the child item inside a fragment or activity. Can you help me please?

I have an expandable recycler view in a fragment. In child list i have delete button for each child, in which When clicked on delete button, the respective child should...

Add androidx libraries.

scroll to child item of particular parent position

Hi, I added edittexts on child layouts but when I write something on them, the info is duplicated on the childs of other parents. To replicate the issue, on the...

If Last Group Header is at the bottom of the list, if we click on that item header, it will expand the child item but we need to manually scroll...

help wanted
possible enhancement

Hi, thanks for easy expandable recycle view. i have a query on onBindParentViewHolder.. I have added onClickListener on tvLeadSource - "A view in parent holder" and checked if it has...