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An open visual programming system designed for fast development and long-term preservation of digital art and creative exploration
First time user of Fugio. Running Fugio 3.0.1 on MacOS 10.15.7. I try to add the Cube.fug example and get error Unknown NodeControlInterface QUuid("{f22866c1-58c7-4c5f-8fb5-28465d93afc5}") And there is a red dot...
To be able to compile fugio with lua-5.4, I needed to apply the following patch: Lua 5.4 doesn't define anymore LUA_ERRGCMM. Instead, a warning is now emitted ... ``` From...
To be able to build fugio on Fedora 32, i needed to apply the following patch: ``` unchanged: --- a/FugioApp/contextwidgetprivate.cpp +++ b/FugioApp/contextwidgetprivate.cpp @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include...
Operating system: Guix System The problem is probably due to missing qtquickwidgets, as I added qtquickcontrols instead which I thought may be a different name for the same package, but...
Hi, small question: can I run a fugio patch headless on a server? Something like: `$ .....fugio cmd..... | ffmpeg -i pipe - rtmp://{youtube-livestream-url}`
Too many unresolved dependencies for installing Fugio 3 on Ubuntu Cosmic 18.10. Perhaps some documentation could be provided where to find and install these dependency packages. Alternatively recommend people to...
Hi! While running CMake before compiling, it says that it uses a legacy openGL because the policy has not been set. Thank you in advance. Here the interesting part of...
I am not able to compile Fugio on debian jessie. Since I can not upgrade to stretch I am wondering if anyone was able to compile it on jessie. If...
No VST Node is listed, or pops up in search. The dll appears to load. Tried in: - Fugio 3.0.0 Windows 10, 64 bit build - Fugio 3.1.0 Windows 10,...
Fedora 29, Fugio 3.1.0 compiled through cmake. I think it's known, i write this issue to keep track of it. Hope it helps. Translations of node and plugins are not...