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The paths for SCSS SourceMaps generated are wrong
Source Maps for SCSS/CSS files aren't generated correctly and thus can't be used with Chrome Dev Tools. The path is wrong and when clicking the link in chrome you get a 404, and the path is totally wrong. Thus rendering source maps useless for development...
I "think" sourceMapRoot isn't being set correctly for node-sass in your stencil-styles package:
Would be really nice to have this sorted so we can use source maps as intended. Thanks.
I just bumped into this same problem. I'm debugging a pretty complex template and would be nice if I can write the changes to the filesystem or open the scss directly on vscode, but because the path in the sourcemaps seems to be a mix between relative and absolute paths, the browser never finds the source file.
+1 same issue being hit. Warnings in chrome dev for maps not being correct. I'll be taking a deeper look this week and will report back on any fixes I find
On the current latest version of stencil-cli, version 7.2, the line numbers being reported in chrome dev tools are always for the parent selector at the root level of the file when inspecting a nested rule. We didn't have that problem on the older versions of stencil-cli. I would definitely be nice to get this working properly.