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Access codes rectification 6: Restricted unsupervised updates to access codes.
Rectifying the rooms access codes to become a room setting that can be configured like any other setting.
This PR completes 6.
~~1. Create and populate glViewerAccessCode
and glModeratorAccessCode
in PopulateRoomsConfigurations
and PopulateMeetingOptions
~~2. Remove :viewer_access_code
and :moderator_access_code
~~3. Create Room#viewer_access_code
, Room#moderator_access_code
, Room#generate_viewer_access_code
, Room#remove_viewer_access_code
, Room#remove_moderator_access_code
~~4. Update RoomsController (#generate_access_code, #remove_access_code)
and tests (meeting_controller_spec and rooms_controller_spec)
~~5. Update and extend model spec room_spec
~~6. Update RoomSettings#update
API to restrict edit to codes.~~
Testing Steps
- Pull the code.
- Install the dependencies
bundle install && npm|yarn install
.- Clean the previous assets build by running
rm app/assets/builds/*
(This won't remove .keep since it's hidden).- Clean the database and tmp files for a better isolation by running
rails tmp:clear && rails db:schema:cache:clear && rails db:drop && rails db:create && rails db:migrate:with_data
- Run the linter and specs
bundle exec rubocop --parallel && bundle exec rspec && npx eslint app/javascript/* --ext .jsx,.js
- Run
to run the assets builders processes and the Puma server all at once.
Screenshots (if appropriate):
~~DEPENDS ON #3714~~
REBASED ON e35a8820c41bdf1560c8e65438e8ccae4c415bc2
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