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Room settings 3: Extended the `RoomSettings` and `RoomSettingsRow` UIs.
Synchronize room settings with rooms configurations.
This PR completes 3.
~~1. Create RoomSettingsGetter
service that can take a room and return its settings as a Hash: :name => :value
making sense of each setting and its config.~~
~~2. Integrate the service in RoomSettingsController#show
~~3. Extend the RoomSettings
and RoomSettingsRow
User story [Room Settings show]:
- A user authenticates.
- A user creates and accesses a room and its settings.
[If the setting config is "true" for the room setting]: 4. User will have the setting enabled and user cannot disable it.
NOTE: The API will set the setting value as if it was enabled, the front end only will disable the setting for editing but will not change its value.
[If the setting config is "false" for the room setting]: 3. User will not see the setting.
NOTE: The frontend will not mount the setting component to the DOM.
[If the setting config is "optional" for the room setting]: 3. User will have their setting with its registered status 'enabled|disbaled'. 5. User can alter the status of the setting and have proper feedbacks.
Testing Steps
- Pull the code.
- Install the dependencies
bundle install && npm|yarn install
.- Clean the previous assets build by running
rm app/assets/builds/*
(This won't remove .keep since it's hidden).- Clean the database and tmp files for a better isolation by running
rails tmp:clear && rails db:schema:cache:clear && rails db:drop && rails db:create && rails db:migrate:with_data
- Run the linter and specs
bundle exec rubocop --parallel && bundle exec rspec && npx eslint app/javascript/* --ext .jsx,.js
- Run
to run the assets builders processes and the Puma server all at once.
Screenshots (if appropriate):
~~DEPENDS ON #3700~~
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