wordpress-socializr copied to clipboard
WordPresss social share plugin
=== Socializr === Contributors: bigbitecreative Tags: social,sharing,links Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: 1.0.2 Requires at least: 3.4
A WordPress plugin to create social share links and sets
== Description ==
This plugin makes it easy for users to generate social profile sets and sharing links but also makes it simple for the developer to implement into a template. Whether Socializr is used as a shortcode or it used in a template. You will not be disappointed with how it performs.
Basic steps:
- Create a set, add social profiles or select social networks that the post can be shared on.
- go in the template and call socializr('handle') to return as an array or socializr('handle', true) Alternatively you can use the shortcode in your post like so [socializr handle="handle"] which is the equivelant to socializr('handle', true)
Prettier styles and full documentation coming soon.