Ricardo García Vega
Ricardo García Vega
+1, same issue here
👋 I guess this is never going to be a thing, right?
No worries. I was asking because I wonder if PRs are still welcome. I see a lot of PRs which were open a long time ago and never merged. Implementing...
I've found this https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/clojj/elm-css-grid/latest/SimpleGrid, which apparently implements the grid layout with elm-css 🎉
Hi @crbelaus, thanks for the reply 🙌. Having something that returns a translated record would be awesome! I'll stick to the select merge in the meantime 😊
👋🏼 Same issue here after upgrading to `1.3.0`. It keeps calling focus.
Hey @vitalis thanks for your response. I'll give it another try today and share here the results :)
Hi @vitalis now it's almost working, but there's something going wrong though. The tests passes but I get the following output: ``` ✗ mix test test/integration/sign_in_test.exs:5 Including tags: [line: "5"]...
Thanks for the response. I thought it was something related to that and I added the call to `delete_cookies()` at the end of the test but the result is still...
Hi! I've always wanted to try using stylus and maybe this is the perfect time to do it. One of the reasons I keep using sass is that I like...