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Arduino Library for the TEA5767 Radio Module


Arduino Library for the TEA5767 Radio Module

Supported Functions:

  • short: init(short minlvl) //Initialize Bus and search for Stations
  • bool: setFrequency(float frequency) //Set Radio Frequency
  • void: setMuted(bool muted) //Mute/Unmute Module
  • ~~bool: setSearch(bool up, int level)~~ //Search for Stations <= Currently not working
  • void: setStandby(bool stby) //Enable/Disable Standby Mode
  • void: setStereoNC(bool snc) //Enable/Disable Stereo Noise Cancelling
  • float: getFrequency() //Returns the current Radio Frequency
  • int: getReady() //Get current State (0=Nothing, 1=Found Station, 2=Reached Frequency Limit)
  • bool: isStereo() //Get if the Frequency support Stereo
  • short: getSignalLevel() //Get Signal Level (0-15)
  • int: findStations(short minlvl) //Search for available Stations
  • float: nextStation() //Go to next Station
  • float: previousStation() //Go to previous Station
  • short: getStations() //Get Number of Stations

How to install:

  1. Download ZIP
  2. Click Sketch => Include Library => Add .ZIP Library
  3. Select downloaded ZIP-File
  4. Try out the included examples!

How to connect the Module:

  • GND to GND
  • VCC to 5V (3.3V won't work perfectly well and cause random errors, like frequency shift)
  • SDA and SCL depend on your board, check Arduino-Wire