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Faile to connect to namenode:8020

Open kkalugerov opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments

I used this repo to pick up a docker swarm cluster and follow everything in swarm directory step by step and also modified the Makefile in main directory as follow ->

get-example: if [ ! -f example/SparkWriteApplication.jar ]; then
wget -O example/SparkWriteApplication.jar ;

example: get-example docker run --rm -it --network workbench --env-file ./swarm/hadoop.env -e SPARK_MASTER=spark://sparm-master:7077 --volume $(shell pwd)/example:/example bde2020/spark-base:2.2.0-hadoop2.8-hive-java8 /spark/bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 /example/SparkWriteApplication.jar docker exec -it namenode hadoop fs -cat /tmp/numbers-as-text/part-00000

and when execute make example it reads the file and give me exception which tells me -> Failed to connect to server: namenode/ try once and fail. Connection refused

I have allowed all of the necessary ports and still cannot connect to namenode.... any suggestions ?

kkalugerov avatar Apr 03 '18 11:04 kkalugerov


The application from the root Makefile is not for swarm. To test it, run one of the provided examples from spark distro.

Also, what I can see from the execution namenode exposes port 9000 by default. Did you change the port?

earthquakesan avatar Apr 06 '18 11:04 earthquakesan