biemond-oradb copied to clipboard
initParams not used ?
Hello, i do not understand why you give the possibility to use initParams parameter : (database.pp line 27 $init_params = undef) transformed in sanitizedInitParams $sanitizedInitParams = join($initParamsArray,',') line 94 and more
but it is not used in dbca command ? is it normal ? am i missing something ?
maybe we should (in database.pp)
if (is_hash($init_params) or is_string($init_params)) { if is_hash($init_params) { $initParamsArray = sort(join_keys_to_values($init_params, '=')) $joined=join($initParamsArray,',') $sanitizedInitParams = $joined if $joined != undef { $extra_params = "-initParams ${joined}" } } else { $sanitizedInitParams = $init_params if ($init_params != undef) { $extra_params="-initParams ${init_params}" } } } else { fail 'init_params only supports a String or a Hash as value type' }
and then add ${extra_params} at the end of dbca command....
$command = "${oracle_home}/bin/dbca -silent -createDatabase -templateName ${templatename} -gdbname ${globaldb_name} -characterSet ${character_set} -responseFile NO_VALUE -sysPassword ${sys_password} -systemPassword ${system_password} -dbsnmpPassword ${db_snmp_password} -asmsnmpPassword ${asm_snmp_password} -emConfiguration ${em_configuration} -nodelist ${cluster_nodes} -variables ${template_variables} ${extra_params}"
if ${extra_params} is empty, there is no impact....
For your information, i try to use it because in12.2 settings parameters in the template file has no effect. if you give parameter to dbca, then it is considered. That's why i am using : -initParams DB_UNIQUE_NAME=DKT122_INFRZ1DOK01 in dbca command
In the template file,
name="db_unique_name" value="DKT122_INFRZ1DOK01" is ignored in 12.2
but not in 11.2 and 12.1 version
there 2 ways to do
the DBCA way with your dbt template, in this you can use template_variables
or the RSP way (DB copy) and in that case you can use init parameters .