Biel Frontera
Biel Frontera
Hi @prasanjitdash, I made it work with these changes: 1. New plugin leaflet-tilelayer-wms-colorpicker (new class `L.TileLayer.WMS.ColorPicker` that extends from `L.TileLayer.WMS` instead of `L.TileLayer`) 2. Code for new timedimension layer: ```javascript...
Hi @lorenz-c, thanks for your comments! In our [HF Radar visualisation](, we show 4 timeseries from different layers. But they are shown on independent charts. That page uses TimeDimension, but...
Hi @keul, I think that b4a23a5 solves the problem!
You can only use `L.TimeDimension.Layer.WMS` with `L.TileLayer.WMS` or `L.NonTiledLayer.WMS` layers. But you can use TimeDimension which any kind of layer if you implement a new class that extends `L.TimeDimension.Layer` as...
Hi! Check out the response of GetCapabilities in nowCOAST's WMS. They are sending a time extent with the end time on the near future. Now its 15:03 UTC, and it...
Yes, you can manage as many layers as you want with the same control. But you must create a timedimension.layer for each one. In your code, you've just created one,...
There's a lot of logging because the examples are using the src files. You should use leaflet.timedimension.min.js and leaflet.timedimension.control.min.css that are inside dist folder. You are adding nexradRadarTimeLayer twice on...
Hi, if you want to add to the map several layers at the same time, and you know that some of them are updated every 30 minutes (and this interesects...
Hi @sdalu, you can subscribe to `timeload` event, that is fired when all layers are ready (immediately, all layers are updated). I've changed the [oil spill example](, and now you...
Hi @gesaleh, how is your data organised? Do you have several json files, each of them with the data on a certain time? If this is the case, you could...