Biel Frontera
Biel Frontera
Hi @jekuno , I've followed [this comment]( to detect when addData is called on the base GeoJSON layer. So now, timedimension will listen on `layeradd` of the GeoJSON base layer,...
Hi @Rishabh570, you can add a timedimension layer to a LayerGroup. It would behave as any other kind of layer. I mean, you do not have to adapt the LayerGroup...
Hi @ClaudioCas , can you check if you still have this issue? I can't reproduce it. [Example 2]( now has a fractional zoom and zoomDelta, and its working.
Hi @tejaltar, have you installed and import leaflet-timedimension? ```bash $ npm install leaflet-timedimension@latest ``` and: ```javascript import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css' import L from 'leaflet' import 'leaflet-timedimension/dist/leaflet.timedimension.src.js' import 'leaflet-timedimension/dist/leaflet.timedimension.control.css' ```
Hi @tejaltar, the "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error appears because you have imported timedimension twice.
Can you check if there are some other messages in the console? Or can you copy here the whole javascript file? There is something missing here, but I do not...
If you want to add and remove manually the control, you can create the map with the option `timeDimensionControl: false` and create the control yourself (adding and removing it when...
@tejaltar: i did not realise that you are using typescript (my fault, you mentioned index.d.ts on your first comment). I'm not very familiar with type definitions, but it is something...
Hi @keul, this could be a new type of TimeDimension.Layer, to be able to animate a Choropleth (in fact, @ctroupin had some ideas about this). I've modified your demo and...
Hi @rmarzocchi84, you could create a new TimeDimension.Layer class and change how the url for a given time is built. This should work: ``` javascript L.TimeDimension.Layer.WMS.Rasdaman = L.TimeDimension.Layer.WMS.extend({ _createLayerForTime:function(time){ var...