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PHP command line application to deploy application via rsync


The Deployer command line tool allows to synchronize a local with a remote directory.

A simple Yaml configuration file eases the complexity of handling connection data to different remote servers by providing support for

  • multiple targets - e.g. development, stage or production servers
  • excluding special files or directories - e.g. cache, logs, configuration files
  • command hooks - e.g. to clear a cache or rebuilding search indices after deployment

The configuration allows to merge default settings with specific target settings to avoid redundancy.

Using the Deployer is dead simple:

$ deployer <TARGET-NAME>

The target name defines the configuration to be used, e.g. for a "dev", "stage" or "prod" environment. The detailed target data is read from the configuration file .deployer.yml in the local source directory.

The current directory will be used as the local source directory - it may be changed by the --source-dir=<SOURCE-DIR> parameter.

The deployment process then starts with a dry run (preview). You'll see a detailed list of what will happen during the deployment process.

The command runs in dry mode by default. If you're ready to do the real sync, just add the --force parameter, e.g.:

$ deployer stage --force

This will roll out the real deployment!

1) Installation


You'll need the following software installed on your server:

  • OS: *nix
  • PHP > 5.3.2
  • rsync
  • ssh

For the recommended way of installation you may also need to install:

  • git
  • wget

Deployer depends on some Symfony components. All dependencies are usually resolved and installed by Composer as you'll see below.

Clone the Deployer git repository

Run the following commands:

$ cd /install/dir
$ git clone
$ cd deployer
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install

Deployer is now installed on your system.

Create symbolic link in your ~/bin directory

If you want to use the deployer command without specifing the whole path to the installation directory over an over again just create a symbolic link to it in a directory which is included in your PATH environment variable, e.g.:

$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s /path/to/deployer/bin/deployer deployer

Now you're able to call the deployer command from everywhere on your system.

2) Configuration

Before the first deployment of a project or directory you have to save the configuration into a file called .deployer.yml inside the root of your local source directory. It defines the target server(s), exclude files and command hooks. Please note that only a hostname alias is used in the Deployer configuration. You need to setup a key based SSH authentication using the ~/.ssh/config file (tutorial)) so that Deployer can safely connect to your remote server(s).

Here is a sample configuration:

default: # Configuration used by **ALL targets**
    target: # Details about the remote host
        host: ALIAS # Hostname alias according to your ~/.ssh/config file
    commands: # Commands that may be hooked into the deployment process
        pre_deploy: # Array of commands to be executed before the deployment on the local server
            - app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
        post_deploy: # Array of commands to be executed after the deployment on the remote server
            - app/console cache:clear
            - ...
    excludes: | # Files to be excluded from the deployment
dev: # Aditional configuration for the **dev** target only
        dir: /path/to/dev/project/dir/on/remote/host
    excludes: |
stage: # Aditional configuration for the **stage** target only
        dir: /path/to/stage/project/dir/on/remote/host
    excludes: |
prod: # Aditional configuration for the **prod** target only
        dir: /path/to/prod/project/dir/on/remote/host
    excludes: |

The custom target configuration will be merged with the default configuration. All custom target settings will either take precedence over the default settings (target|host, target|dir) or will be added to the default settings (commands|post_commit, excludes). Thus, you'll have a minimum effort to write your configuration and there are no redundancies.

3) Deploy

The usual way of deployment is to execute Deployer from within the local source directory

$ cd /path/to/local/project/directory

After setting up the .deployer.yml in this directory (before first deployment only) you just need to execute the deployer command with a valid target name to start the above described deployment process:

$ deployer stage