coinmon copied to clipboard
Coinmon is not working now. Please try again later.
aviros@DESKTOP-PPPS2LQ:/mnt/c/Users/avrum$ coinmon
Coinmon is not working now. Please try again later. aviros@DESKTOP-PPPS2LQ:/mnt/c/Users/avrum$
+1 same
Same with me. Fresh install from the AUR,
$ coinmon -V
Also not working on 0.0.24
same on debian arm v0.0.24 installed with npm. Got a warning at the end of install: npm does not support Node.js v10.21.0
I just installed coinmon for the first time (Manjaro/aur) and I also go the same error. I cloned the repo and manually ran it via "node index.js" and worked through the errors.
I need to install a couple nodejs modules:
npm install commander
npm install axios
Then I needed to update the code to handle a couple null values:
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index db0fe1f..4d6cddc 100755
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ axios.get(sourceUrl)
const defaultValues = [
- record.price.toFixed(4),
- getColoredChangeValueText(record.percent_change_24h.toFixed(2)),
- record.vwap.toFixed(2),
+ record.price && record.price.toFixed(4),
+ getColoredChangeValueText(record.percent_change_24h && record.percent_change_24h.toFixed(2)),
+ record.vwap && record.vwap.toFixed(2),
It is now working for me. I'll try to create a pull-request if I'm allowed. UPDATE: I get a permissions error when I try to push my branch, so I don't think I can create a PR.
Simply run the following to resolve the above issue:
sudo apt --fix-broken install -y && sudo apt install nodejs -y && sudo apt install npm -y && sudo npm install -g coinmon
Also not working on
sudo apt --fix-broken install -y && sudo apt install nodejs -y && sudo apt install npm -y && sudo npm install -g coinmon