BASC-Archiver copied to clipboard
once thread dies, the program just kinda sits there.
basically, I wrote a batch script to download all thread URLs in a text file and it works, I have it so it names the threads based on a name I put after it in the file. the thing is, once the post dies, it just freezes. it won't rename files, or close itself. code.
@echo off set var1=%1 set link=%var1:~0,54% set post=%var1:~34,9% set name=%var1:~55% set board=%var1:~25,1% echo Downloading: thread %board%\[91m%post%[0m/[93m%name%[0m cd D:\4chan-archive\BASC-Archiver-0.9.9 python3 thread-archiver %link% --path=D:\4chan-archive --delay=5 echo D:\4chan-archive\4chan\%board%\%post% move D:\4chan-archive\4chan\%board%\%post% D:\4chan-archive\4chan\%board%\%name% echo [46mdownload of thread %board%\[95m%post%\%name%[0m[46m succeded.[0m echo. echo. echo. exit
there's another batch file that starts it and passes it what it needs, it all works but the freezing.