Bryan Hilbert
Bryan Hilbert
The discrepancy is coming from the newly-found dead pixels. 130 were found, but some of those have values of NaN in the mean dark rate image. Those NaN values were...
@BradleySappington do you know if this is still an issue?
This issue wasn't transferred to Jira by the bot for whatever reason. So we re-created the issue on JIRA. The mirrored github issue is #1572
This seems like something we don't need to worry about if we're going to move from Django models to postgres, right? @BradleySappington are we going to keep any Django models...
Ah I see. I had been assuming we were going to move everything to postgres tables and access similarly to how we do the monitor database tables. Thanks for setting...
@BradleySappington is this now even more relevant than before since we have everything in Django models now?
@camipacifici @eteq I wrapped the download_file function in a function of my own that checks for the existence of the file before downloading. Maybe we just need to add something...
Hmmm. I don't remember where I installed firefox from on the servers before. Does the 3.9 env say where firefox came from?
Yeah, that sounds right. What about firefox though?
No, I don't think any of them import firefox. I think it's only used behind the scenes for png generation. Probably imported by Bokeh.