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Add unit testing support to the Figwheel template.
I thought it'd be nice to include unit testing support by default now that CLJS has a core library for it. So I did it :-) ....
Includes the necessary configuration in project.clj, plus supporting files, to allow the user to execute lein cljsbuild once test
and have unit tests run in PhantomJS if it's installed.
I had to make one small compromise; running the unit tests naturally loads the core.cljs, which prior to my modifications caused Reagent / Om (if used) to trigger, because they were being called directly from the core NS.
I've changed core.cljs and index.html to explicitly call a main function when we're running normally - and not to call it when we're testing (unless the user expliclty does so) which prevents Om / Reagent erroring because they can't find the app root when we're running tests.
(The alternative would have been to add a
Thanks for your work on this.
I have lots of thoughts on this. One: it should be optional. --testing Two: the setup and requirements are much simpler if you use the browser to run the tests and use figwheel's multiple build functionality to run the tests. I don't want to require that people install phantom js for testing when the browser is always installed. This template is meant to be a simple starting point that just works, not an industrial strength template, there is no way to meet all needs.
i.e lein figwheel dev test -- will build both targets as files are changed and push the changes to the appropriate client tabs. Or even multiple clients Safari, Chrome, iOS, Angdroid etc.
The tests will be running in a test.html and perhaps have a ^:figwheel-always on the test runner cljs file.
It is even simpler to have a test-runner that gets loaded into the same env (tab) as your running app on every save by puttting a :figwheel-always on the test runner ns and adding the test path to the :source-paths of the dev build. This eliminates the need for a separate build and a test html.
I know people want to just run a lein test and get a result, but that is a separate concern, to getting feedback from testing.
I'm going to reflect on this more I would appreciate your thoughts on these options as well.
While running tests in the browser is great for dev time, it's almost always necessary to be able to run tests from CLI as well. I'm currently trying to figure out how to do this.
Hi @rorygibson
Have you tried that setup with async tests?