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Corrupted/misinterpreted legacy prefs prevent Jiggler 1.8 from working on 10.14.6 (18G103)
Just did the update today to 10.14.6 (18G103) and installed Jiggler 1.8 but no jiggles :-(
Tried a lot of different options, uninstall, remove accessability permissions and reenable etc. When I set to 5s jiggle I see nothing. My mac also sleeps so looks like the system calls are also not working?
Let me know if you need any debug info.
Hmm, strange. To begin with, are you sure that Jiggler is actually enabled? I.e., that "Jiggler Enabled" is checked in its menu, and that the various conditions for jiggling as listed in the Preferences panel are met? And after the delay of 5s or whatever, does Jiggler's menu bar icon turn green, indicating that it is active? If not, then you probably need to check your settings. But if it is turning green and yet the mouse is not moving and the machine is falling asleep, then that would indeed be a problem. I can't really guess why that would happen, though; you're the first to mention a problem with this new version.
interesting - never turns green ... it goes red when I set a timed quit though...
Attached my prefs - in system prefs > security > privacy its enabled...
I tried some of the other prefs as well but no joy :-(
OK; and is the "Jiggler Enabled" menu item at the top of its menu checked? Want to post a screenshot of that so we're definitely on the same page?
Interesting. OK, next let's try the usual stuff. Reboot. Reinstall. Reboot again. Try installing it in a guest account that has no other software running. Check for console logs (from /Applications/Utilities/Console.app) that might indicate a problem.
After that, I guess we would have to get into installing a custom build of Jiggler on your machine that would log out to the console explaining why it is deciding not to activate. If you're sufficiently motivated to pursue that, we can.
It is conceivable there is a problem with 10.14. I have tested it on 10.15 and 10.13, but I don't have a 10.14 machine to test on. But as I said, you're the first to mention a problem with this new version. Hard to guess how large the user base is, though, you might be one of the first to try it. :->
Just out of interest I have another macbook running 10.14.6 but (18G4032) and v1.7 jiggler and that is working just fine... and yeah, no probs running a debug build, would be nice to know :-) Let me try the reinstall route first - any point in me removing the config files?
Oh, sure, if you want to; conceivably it's some prefs upgrade issue, might as well start with a clean slate.
OK, so I uninstalled, and removed com.stick.app.jiggler.plist
. I then reinstalled and started and it is now working :-) Not sure if there is anything useful in the contents but below are the plist files from my non-working and working installs. The first was my original 1.7 working config > manual combined upgrade to 10.14.6 (18G103) and subsequent upgrade of jiggler to 1.8. The second file is the regenerated file on the upgraded system.
bushd-[Preferences] $ cat com.stick.app.jiggler.plist
^TimedQuitHours_ShowIconWhenJiggling[JiggleStyle]JiggleSeconds_ApplicationNameComponent_TimedQuitMinutes_OnlyWithCPUUsage_JiggleMasterSwitch_JiggleOnlyWhenIdle_OnlyWithRemovableWritableDisks_CPUUsageThreshold_NotWhenScreenLocked_OnlyWithApplicationsNamedX^DoVersionCheck^JiggleDistanceYZenJiggle Uslack
!>M\fhikmstuvwyz{� �bushd-[Preferences] $ rm com.stick.app.jiggler.plist
bushd-[Preferences] $
bushd-[Preferences] $ cat com.stick.app.jiggler.plist
SYES"@��3 +:Q]k������
!>M\fhikmstuvwyz{� �
Hmm. These are in Apple's binary property list format, unfortunately, so it's hard to tell what's going on. I don't suppose you kept the old property list file around? If you did, you could zip the two files and post them both here, and I could compare them. But with binary, who knows. :-< Still, it's a strong indication that the way Jiggler 1.8 is interpreting the prefs settings from Jiggler 1.7 has a bug. I'll look into that, that's a good lead. Glad your issue got resolved. :->
Well, I had a look at the code and I don't see any obvious reason why legacy prefs would be misinterpreted, and it was not a problem for me on any of the three machines I tested on prior to release (all of which had legacy prefs from Jiggler 1.7), so I'm not sure what happened, but it may be a rare occurrence. Hard to say. If you are able to recover the old prefs file, before you moved to Jiggler 1.8, from a backup, it would be useful to get that file and your current prefs file as a zip archive. Without that, I don't think I can debug this further, but I'll leave the issue open for the time being; others may encounter the same problem. Thanks for the report!