laravel4-datatables-package copied to clipboard
[ Bug ?] Filtering on prefixed table.
I got a column(s) not found on prefixed table whenever I preform filtering on dataTables. I dig into the code and I think I found a little bug that caused this problem.
at Datatables.php:401
, from
$doctrine_column = DB::getDoctrineColumn($table, $target_column);
$doctrine_column = DB::getDoctrineColumn($db_prefix . $table, $target_column);
at Datatables.php:409
, from
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$column = $db_prefix . $column;
$query->orwhere(DB::raw('LOWER(CAST('.$column.' as CHAR('.$column_max_length.')))'), 'LIKE', $keyword);
} else {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw('CAST('.$column.' as CHAR('.$column_max_length.'))'), 'LIKE', $keyword);
$column = $db_prefix . $column;
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw('LOWER(CAST('.$column.' as CHAR('.$column_max_length.')))'), 'LIKE', $keyword);
} else {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw('CAST('.$column.' as CHAR('.$column_max_length.'))'), 'LIKE', $keyword);
Thanks for your contribution :+1: I am editing the code.
I think this broke join table aliases.
{"error":{"type":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaException","message":"There is no column with name 'name' on table 'subcat'.","file":"\/var\/www\/myimsreport\/code\/vendor\/doctrine\/dbal\/lib\/Doctrine\/DBAL\/Schema\/SchemaException.php","line":85}}
Here is the Fluent query:
$programs = Program::select('', 'programs.title',' as marketingCompany',' as category_name',' as subcategory_name')
->where('language_id', 1)
->leftJoin(DB::raw('categories as subcat'),'programs.sub_category_id','=','')
->leftJoin('companies', 'programs.marketing_company_id','=','')
Can you share sql query which is tried to run?
@bllim Thanks for the update!
@swilla I am doing aliases with join tables too, but got no problems. What would happen if you do that with just a ->get()
I did both, got no problem on filtering
->leftJoin('statuses as stat', 'stats_id', '=', 'bookings.status_id')
->leftJoin(DB::raw('statuses as stat'), '', '=', 'bookings.status_id');
I have tried re-migrate my tables without prefix once, and it was working.
------ Update ----- I think there is an error on table alias, but I think this occurs even before this update. So I guess for now just do the whole table until there is a fix? :)
Here is the actual query I want to run, it doesn't actually run it because of the doctrine error:
SELECT, programs.title, as marketingCompany, as category_name, as subcategory_name
FROM programs
left join categories on programs.category_id =
left join categories as subcat on programs.sub_category_id =
left join companies on programs.marketing_company_id =
ORDER BY programs.title
This worked before the recent changes, but the original bug described in this issue did not work.
I think the issue is that DataTables.php
lines 380 and 390 are trying to preg_match
the alias on query's select and parse it as the table name and column, as a result it would call your subcat
table instead of the actually alias made on the table itself.
If it is possible to get the correct joins table alias, I agree line 401 as well as 409 will need to have some checks to ensure when they contain alias, then table prefix should not be added.
@swilla I wonder the query which datatable package trying to run (and also fail). @awsp can you share the fluent/eloquent code which causes error at first (before update)?
Here is the code I used. But I am using the whole table name before.
What I am thinking is, would that be possible when @swilla did composer update
it actually pulls some other packages that are incapable with Laravel or other packages such as Doctrine.
Here is the original code I was using. Prefix is 'lh_'
$reservations = Reservation::select(array(
' as reservation_id',
' as course',
'statuses.label as status',
' as statusid',
->leftJoin('courses', '', '=', 'reservations.course_id')
->leftJoin('customers', '', '=', 'reservations.customer_id')
->leftJoin('statuses', '', '=', 'reservations.status_id')
return Datatables::of($reservations)->make();
Exception I get,
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Schema \ SchemaException
There is no column with name 'id' on table 'reservations'.
static public function columnDoesNotExist($columnName, $table)
return new self("There is no column with name '$columnName' on table '$table'.", self::COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST);
I also tried this using simple get()
with alias and,
--- This is not working ----
$reservations = Reservation::select(array(
' as reservation_id',
' as course',
'statuses.label as status',
' as statusid',
->leftJoin('courses', '', '=', 'reservations.course_id')
->leftJoin('customers as cust', '', '=', 'reservations.customer_id')
->leftJoin('statuses', '', '=', 'reservations.status_id')
echo '<pre>'; var_dump($reservations->get()); echo '</pre>'; die();
By the way, I have just merged @tortuetorche 's pull-request. Can you try again with updated code?
Lastly, sorry I didn't have an opportunity to test so that I couldn't care. I will care as soon as possible.
I still get the same error after a composer update:
{"error":{"type":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaException","message":"There is no column with name 'name' on table 'subcat'.","file":"\/vagrant\/vendor\/doctrine\/dbal\/lib\/Doctrine\/DBAL\/Schema\/SchemaException.php","line":85}}
on prefix table, with table alias: Fail on prefx table, without table alias: Success
no prefix table, with table alias: Fail no prefix table, without table alias: Success
Doctrine \ DBAL \ Schema \ SchemaException
There is no column with name 'lastname' on table 'lh_cust'.
When it comes to prefix table with alias, event without DataTables, it looks like the actual query will throw a column not found exception.
I wrote a simple quick checks, What I actually did was, try to observe the join table to see if there is an alias set for each joins and re-correct it before it gets inserted to DB::getDoctrineColumn().
But it turns out no matter what I put, the alias with prefix just doesn't work. for example, I did
->leftJoin('customers as cust')
I tried, for DB::getDoctrineColumn(pesudo)
- pesudo:
$db_prefix . $joinTables[$table]
,$db_prefix . $joinTables[$table] . '.' . $target_column
Failed - pesudo:
Failed - pesudo:
Caution: this is un-tested code, just an Example only
private function filtering()
$joinTables = array();
foreach($this->query->getQuery()->joins as $joinTable) {
if( ! empty($tmpTable)) {
$joinTables[$tmpTable[2]] = $tmpTable[1];
if (Input::get('sSearch','') != '')
$copy_this = $this;
$this->query->where(function($query) use ($copy_this, $joinTables) {
$db_prefix = $copy_this->database_prefix();
for ($i=0,$c=count($copy_this->columns);$i<$c;$i++)
if (Input::get('bSearchable_'.$i) == "true")
$column = empty($matches) ? $copy_this->columns[$i] : $matches[1];
$keyword = '%'.Input::get('sSearch').'%';
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$keyword = $copy_this->wildcard_like_string(Input::get('sSearch'));
// Check the current $column type
// If it isn't a string/text/blob, cast it to a string of 255 characters
$cast_begin = null;
$cast_end = null;
$column_max_length = 255;
preg_match('#([^.]+)\.(.+)$#si', $column, $table_infos);
if(empty($table_infos)) {
throw new \Exception("Invalid table and column names format for '".$column."'");
} else {
throw new \Exception("Empty table for '".$column."'");
} elseif (empty($table_infos[2])) {
throw new \Exception("Empty column for '".$column."'");
$table = $table_infos[1];
$target_column = $table_infos[2];
if( ! array_key_exists($table, $joinTables)) {
$doctrine_column = DB::getDoctrineColumn($db_prefix . $table, $target_column);
$column = $db_prefix . $column;
$type = $doctrine_column->getType()->getName();
if( !in_array($type, array('string', 'text', 'blob')) ) {
$cast_begin = "CAST(";
$cast_end = " as CHAR(".$column_max_length."))";
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw('LOWER('.$cast_begin.$column.$cast_end.')'), 'LIKE', $keyword);
} else {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw($cast_begin.$column.$cast_end), 'LIKE', $keyword);
$db_prefix = $this->database_prefix();
for ($i=0,$c=count($this->columns);$i<$c;$i++)
if (Input::get('bSearchable_'.$i) == "true" && Input::get('sSearch_'.$i) != '')
$keyword = '%'.Input::get('sSearch_'.$i).'%';
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$keyword = $copy_this->wildcard_like_string(Input::get('sSearch_'.$i));
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$column = $db_prefix . $this->columns[$i];
$this->query->where(DB::raw('LOWER('.$column.')'),'LIKE', $keyword);
} else {
$this->query->where($this->columns[$i], 'LIKE', $keyword);
I just tested this code and it works for me.
Edit: Filtering works, but now column sorting does not (with changes above).
When searching a tabla, with a prefix with a dash, like "bla-bla_" the resulting query only searches for "bla". the prefix and column need to be encompassed by grave accent ( ` ) or similar like in the FROM statement:
select count(*) as aggregate from `rydbergs-gourmet_tips` where ( LIKE ? or rydbergs-gourmet_tips.content LIKE ? or rydbergs-gourmet_tips.filename LIKE ? or rydbergs-gourmet_tips.created_at LIKE ?)
I can only get it to work if I change line 402 in Datatables/Datatables.php from:
$column = $db_prefix . $column;
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw('LOWER('.$cast_begin.$column.$cast_end.')'), 'LIKE', $keyword);
} else {
$query->orwhere(DB::raw($cast_begin.$column.$cast_end), 'LIKE', $keyword);
/* $column = $db_prefix . $column; */
if(Config::get('', false)) {
$query->orwhere($column, 'LIKE', $keyword);
} else {
$query->orwhere($column, 'LIKE', $keyword);
@Kampfbereit I think your workaround breaks PostgreSQL compatibility.
Why did you remove the DB::raw($cast_begin.$column.$cast_end)
part ?
I know, I just tried to narrow it down to se where the problem was. I just found another related problem.
This select:
Tip::select('', 'tips.content', 'tips.filename', 'tips.created_at', DB::raw('WEEK('. DB::getTablePrefix() .'tips.created_at)') );
Generated this faulty SQL:
select count(*) as aggregate from `rydbergs_gourmet_tips` where ( LIKE ? or rydbergs_gourmet_tips.content LIKE ? or rydbergs_gourmet_tips.filename LIKE ? or rydbergs_gourmet_tips.created_at LIKE ? or rydbergs_gourmet_WEEK(rydbergs_gourmet_tips.created_at) LIKE ?
Again it's the prefix and DB::raw that doesn't like eachother.
Ended up putting it in ->add_column instead.
This issue will be reviewed to ensure that new code is working fine with prefixing. Added to TO DO list for 1.4.1 release #122
I also have this issue when using Datatables. When a filter is set on my table it tries to execute this SQL:
select count(*) as aggregate from (select '1' as row from `pfreg_view_registrations` where (pfreg_id LIKE %heckl% or pfreg_vorname LIKE %heckl% or pfreg_name LIKE %heckl% or pfreg_geburtstag LIKE %heckl% or pfreg_countdown LIKE %heckl% or pfreg_dioezese LIKE %heckl%)) AS count_row_table)
which leads to an error message:"SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'pfreg_id'..." because the query really should be:
select count(*) as aggregate from (select '1' as row from `pfreg_view_registrations` where (id LIKE %heckl% or vorname LIKE %heckl% or name LIKE %heckl% or geburtstag LIKE %heckl% or countdown LIKE %heckl% or dioezese LIKE %heckl%)) AS count_row_table)
The error lies in line 610 of Datatables.php (as of version 1.4.4) which prefixes column names with the database prefix:
$column = $db_prefix . $columns_clean[$i];
Why would you want to prefix column names in that situation?? Removing the prefix fixes my problem but does it break something else?