Brian Glusman
Brian Glusman
Agreed re Ueberauth (not Guardian), another good reason for that bias. For additional tiers of auth, that's fine but let's avoid too much scope creep here, we can add followup...
Hey man! How you been? Any mixture of unit, doc tests and improved/increased feature tests are all welcome! Doc tests are neat but not an easy/perfect fit for all methods...
I'll hit you up on slack to debug/discuss this, but I think you're ok now if it's running.
I think Dave has dropped this so should be free for others to pick up, but correct me if wrong Dave!
That's not a bad idea to split up tickets... We do need more unit tests. Sorry, didn't mean to rush you, after last slack message I thought you were maybe...
Oh, cool... yeah, that's possibly a bit TOO verbose/comprehensive for doc tests in my opinion, but good example of an easy to demonstrate and document pure function I'd forgotten about...
Also, could combine a bunch of those into fewer examples with e.g. `Enum.all?([[], %{}, nil, false, ""], &Blank.blank?(&1))`
Well, the exact version could be a little different, but I like that it makes clear by example that basically this list of things are ALL the things that are...
Awesome! I don't really have any copy yet, I keep debating order of operations so you could design with some placeholder/lorem ipsum text and/or take a crack at some copy...
PS if you know any pantries in WI we should talk to feel free to refer/introduce me! Masbia has been dragging their feet a bit and need more orgs involved...