cWindowsContainer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cWindowsContainer copied to clipboard

DSC Class Based resource to create Windows Containers


Class Based DSC resource to deploy Windows Containers.

Update Sep 2015 Get-DscConfiguration now shows ContainerId and currently assigned IP Address Config Update Dec 2015 Resource updated for TP4 (TP3 must use version 1.0). Now supports HyperV container type and the defining of the hostname within the container. Validated Nano Server compatibility Added SharedFolder possibility

Deploy container from Nano image with single line startup script

configuration NewContainer {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWindowsContainer -ModuleVersion 1.1

    cWindowsContainer MyAppContainer {
        Ensure = 'Present'
        Name = 'MyAppContainer'
        StartUpScript = '"Hello World" | out-file c:\hello.txt'
        ContainerImageName = 'NanoServer'
Start-DscConfiguration .\NewContainer -Wait -Verbose


Deploy container from Nano image with multi-line startup script and specifying Container Hostname

configuration MultiLineConfigContainer {
    param (
        [String] $StartupScript
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWindowsContainer -ModuleVersion 1.1

    cWindowsContainer MyDCContainer {
        Ensure = 'Present'
        Name = 'MyDCContainer'
        StartUpScript = $StartupScript
        ContainerImageName = 'NanoServer'
        ContainerType = 'HyperV'
        ContainerComputerName = 'MyContainer'

$script = @'
$computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$computername.tolower() | out-file c:\compname.txt

MultiLineConfigContainer -StartupScript $script
Start-DscConfiguration .\MultiLineConfigContainer -Wait -Verbose

**Remove container**
configuration RemContainer {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWindowsContainer -ModuleVersion 1.1

    cWindowsContainer MyAppContainer {
        Ensure = 'Absent'
        Name = 'MyAppContainer'
        ContainerImageName = 'NanoServer'
Start-DscConfiguration .\RemContainer -Wait -Verbose
**NGINX install and Network (does not work on Nano as Invoke-WebRequest is not available)**
configuration ContainerNginX {
    param (
        [String] $StartupScript
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWindowsContainer -ModuleVersion 1.1

    cWindowsContainer NginX {
        Ensure = 'Present'
        Name = 'NginX'
        StartUpScript = $StartupScript
        SwitchName = 'Virtual Switch'
        ContainerImageName = 'WindowsServerCore'
		SourcePath = 'C:\Share\www'
		DestinationPath = 'C:\nginx-1.9.4\html'
		AccessMode = 'ReadOnly'

$script = @'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile 'c:\'
Unblock-File -Path 'c:\'
Expand-Archive -Path 'c:\' -DestinationPath C:\ -Force
Set-Location -Path C:\nginx-1.9.4
Start-Process nginx

ContainerNginX -StartupScript $script
Start-DscConfiguration .\ContainerNginX -Wait -Verbose -Force