Baptiste Gaillard
Baptiste Gaillard
Hi @curtisgibby, we're sorry to not be very reactive since several months on this project. We have too much work to do on other projects :). If you want you...
Hi @shaders and thanks for the quick fix ! I think we'll leave this issue opened because it could be useful later for other kind of instructions.
Hi, we encounter a problem today. During the night one of our developer accidentally removed the `prod.latest` tag which is used by our ECS Task definition. This morning traffic increased...
Hi, we also encounter problems with this peace of code `&& _.intersection(_.keys(result.invalidAttrs), _.keys(changedAttrs)).length > 0`. In our case it seems to be the same problem as issue #220. We need...
Tried to apply @cmwelsh's but unit test fails, so its not a good fix. In our case the problem is encountered when we validate a model where attributes are not...
Hi @chiefGui, I didn't remember I posted this :-) Happy to see the library is regularly updated now, we use it in several projects and it helps us a lot,...
Hi, thanks @Jaskaranbir for the provided workaround 👍. For those who want to execute the associated commands please be aware that they act on all `validatingwebhookconfiguration` and `mutatingwebhookconfiguration` resources which...
~~Hi, the trick / workaround proposed by @MohibWasay solved the problem in my case. Thanks @MohibWasay !~~ Eratum, finally @MohibWasay did not solve the problem, the config seems to not...
Hi and thanks for this feedback, this feature will be placed in the 0.5.0 release and is related to the PR I'll try to have a moment to merge...
Hi, your pull request has been merged with the develop branch for now. It will be integrated in the master branch when the 0.5.0 release will be finished. Thanks !