Thank you! Just in case I posted a message on the m2e users list.
I got an answer to my question: m2eclipse team is basically waiting for a JDT fix (that seem to be in progress according to the comments).
My pleasure! Thanks for sharing the project in first place. Very useful to get started!
For the sake of the follow-up: now your project works nicely in Eclipse Photon M5.
@r-sreesaran the problem still exists. As far as I can tell, it comes from `io.swagger.v3.parser.util.OpenAPIDeserializer.getSchema(ObjectNode node, String location, ParseResult result) `. After line `if (node.get("default") != null)`, there is a...
@r-sreesaran No sorry: the cause of the problem was in I will issue a pull request.
@tmeckel my first comment was the result of the inspection of the source code of 2.0.x. Sorry. Version 2.1.2 is working much better in this regard, and I think the...
I've just added all the tests and made an adjustement to `ResolverFully` so it sets a default value when all combined models have the same default value. It is almost...
The problem is still here in 4.4.0. It occurs from time to time with manual interactions (understand: not with my junit test hammering the web service): sometimes silently (an over-filtered...