For the moment, factory methods require a database name in the config of the client. As it must no longer be the case in the future, all database-related methods of...
The Vert.x MongoClient is also a bit special compared to the Java driver in the sense that it also mixes `MongoDatabase` and `MongoCollection` methods (in addition to mixing `MongoClient` methods)....
@vietj > from sratch do you mean I'm to create a new vertx-mongo-client2 repo in my github account, and to reuse the current Vert.x mongo client source code? If so:...
@vietj sorry I've not been able to move on the subject : it's still on my mind but I'm too busy.
@tsegismont @vietj: since I have some spare time during summer, I tried to move on the topic. I wrote a javadoc Doclet to analyze the source of the MongoDB reactive...
I've added some code to generate `*Options` classes: Some classes can't be easily automatically generated, so I've created them manually (empty classes): Next step will be to create...
Looks like I'm on the right track (see the ``): ```java // get first item mongoClient .listDatabaseNames() .first() .map(res -> "first: " + res) .onFailure(Throwable::printStackTrace) .onSuccess(System.out::println); // get all items...
Today I've integrated the `JsonObject` codec and created factory methods (createShared + config etc...) in the interface: ```java MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClient.create(vertx); ``` It allowed to check that retrieving data...
I have started to port the existing `MongoClientTestBase` into my project: `vertx-mongodb-gen/src/test/java/io/vertx/ext/mongo/` @vietj @tsegismont I would be interested by your feedback. The source code is almost entirely generated. It...
Almost all base tests are passing now. Some don't pass with useObjectId=false. I also need to finish the GridFS implementation.